Please allow me to remind all of you who are planning on attending the SYWA Convention next month that there is a scenario that needs to be gamed out.
Now perhaps you've been planning this out behind the scenes . . . in which case this message is unnecessary . . . but just in case you've let it slip from your attention . . .
The Duchess of Saschen-Vindow is on the upper floor of the Inn of the Crooked Kobold near the border of the Kingdom of Stagonia. She is trying to reach Koenig Ludwig, with whom she is hopelessly infatuated.
She has heard the sounds of horses beyond the walls, shouts in the courtyard and the sound of heavy boots upon the stairs. She has pistols in her hands.
Herzog Ignatz proposed a scenario with four factions (beside the Duchess herself, of course):
- Schinderfranz's chauffeurs
- Mme de Winter's Black Legion
- Raubenstadter Frei-Hussars
- Stagonians (but which ones?)
- Ludwig's Stagonian Dragoons
- Rotefort, agent of Stagonian Queen Mother (a de Sade with her own agenda)
- Duke's loyalist Dragoons (i.e., her husband's forces)
- Duchess' Noble supporters (from Saschen-Vindow)
- Local militia looking for smugglers, etc.
- Rowdy Nobles looking for fun
- The Inquisition
- Count l'Beauphaup & Unter Gruntshuffen malcontents
- Witch hunters OR vampire hunters
- Friendly hunters who will help Duchess (as a lady in distress)
So . . . is anything being done to further this scenario? Who is to take "point" on this project? Let us not let this drop; but let it grow to fruition.
I know that the Stagonian player (my evil twin) will not be able to attend . . . but will fully authorize anyone playing Stagonian troops to behave in any dispicable manner that seems cruel and unjustified . . . or, in other words, vile.
I do not believe that the Saschen-Vindow player (whose idea this is) will be able to attend either since he currently lives in Scotland. So it is up to you fellows to see this through.
-- Jeff
I know that the Stagonian player (my evil twin) will not be able to attend . . . but will fully authorize anyone playing Stagonian troops to behave in any dispicable manner that seems cruel and unjustified . . . or, in other words, vile.
I do not believe that the Saschen-Vindow player (whose idea this is) will be able to attend either since he currently lives in Scotland. So it is up to you fellows to see this through.
-- Jeff
I will have the Duchess painted up within two (2) days and post her on my blog and am working on a sign for the Inn. DAF is running the game using his skirmish rules and proxies, by looking at his blog he is gearing up for Luethen and then will probably start working on the scenario. I am sure the scenario will be played out. If anyone needs any help with anything shoot me an email.
I look forward to seeing the Duchess.
Hi Jeff,
In my Markgraaf Of Raubenstadt blog entry for 12 Jan 09, I rattled off Agent Von Mack's plan of attack for the Affair Of The Runaway Duchess,to give the Raubenstadter player some background script to work with and Mack's attitude towards any group he might encounter during the game.
I am really looking forward to seeing how this plays out. Win, lose, or draw, I hope the players have an excellent game, and I can't wait to see what "spin" the winner puts on his victory.
I can use the Confrontation Magistrate as a Inquisitor. Look through my blog for a picture. I am not100% sure though if I will attend both days of the convention.
Unfortunately, I have learned that my late grandfather is being inducted into the Nebraska Baseball Hall of Fame that weekend (true story!) and family honour unfortunately trumps attendance at the SYWA convention.
I hope this does not sabotage the scenario; I had understood that my chauffeur figures would not be needed in any event.
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