Like many nations everywhere, The Holy Mormoan Kingdom of New Wales authorized the raising of Militia units, (Regiments, Battalions, Legions etc) very early in their history. The unit we will look at today is the Van Demon's Land Legion
NAME: The Van Demon's Land Legion
Date Raised: 21 March 1731
MOTTO: "Ready, Aye, Ready"
Unofficial Motto: "The Good Die Young".
Nicknames:"The Demons", "and “The Devil's Parrots"
Battle Honours: "Cadbury Hill 1733", "Launceston 1734", "Van Demon's Land Campaign" .
For more details please visit my BLOG!
A fine unit and a very rich regimental 'profile', as always!
(Btw for some mysterious reason the Holy Mormoan Kingdom blog doesn't currently appear as 'updated' in the 'EvE' list to the right?)
The Devil's Parrots is one of the best regimental nicknames I have ever heard. Wish I would have thought of it.
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