Sunday, August 3, 2008

To His Grace, Prince Ferdinand, commanding The Army of Observation

My dear Prince,

In accordance with your orders dated the 14th of July, I have moved my brigade to Mittel-Nirgendwo and contacted the Landgraf of Hesse-Fedora. While there, I attended a very interesting meeting with the Prince-Bishop of Mittel-Nirgendwo. A full report is being despatched via cipher, but I can confirm the presence of a Gallian force under the weasally Comte de Maison-Blanche.

As per margin, I have reviewed my brigade and these splendid fellows will undoubtedly uphold the service of my gallant King, who has so generously put them under your command.

I am, Your Grace, your humble and obedient servant,


Major General in His Britannic Majesty's Army on detached service.

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