Gentlemen ,
I trust you all had a good weekend. I thought you might enjoy this cartoon about very small German states. Even my beloved Duchy is larger than the one depicted!
Being in the nature of a genial location for imaginary nations of the Eighteenth Century to carry out diplomatic affairs . . . (not the place for rule discussions, miniature manufacturers, painting reports, history of your country or other things that belong on your personal blogs).
looks like Saskatchewan!
This is priceless! Thanks.
Best Regards,
This is priceless! Thanks.
Best Regards,
A funny picture indeed!
Off-topic (but maybe not too much, Togaras being located not far from the Imperium): A.B. I toyed with ideas about the Togarasian military. Since the Banat was in political turnmoil last time we ear from there I hypothesized some kind of revolution forcing at least part of the nobility and gentry to expatriate. Then I tried to describe a ‘warband’ of Togarasian Exiles in seach of mercenary employment –a totally unsollicited and unauthorized initiative, I confess. I posted my elucubration on the Monte-Cristan blog as a comment (currently the last attached to this post). Of course I should greatly appreciate your comments.
Now, if you resent this ‘pastiche’ (?) as a blatant case of *copyright infringement / theft of Intellectual Property*, just let me know it and I’ll delete the comment on my blog (and this one on EvE).
Best regards,
ha ha :-)
Jean - Louis
Go for it! You are welcome to use the Togarasian warband!
I use it only 'in my head', but enjoyed to 'design' it - do you judge it 'likely' / 'pseudo-historically accurate'? You are the *one* able to judge it!
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