Please excuse my extended absence. A long, but not serious, illness sidelined me for a while longer than I liked. I did get over it, just in time for a long-planned and much-needed vacation. I'm back now and trying to catch up on all of the activity in the various blogs of the ImagiNations, SOD, etc.
In response to the proposal for a proxy battle involving the Soweiter league I would be pleased to have this happen. As I am painting some American Revolution minis (in addition to a number of other minis) I think it would be quite fitting to envision the forces defending Offenbach to be sort of analogous to the Americans. I must confess I am a bit uncertain on how forces in such a situation might be organized. I'm thinking something along the lines of a defensive force mostly composed of citizen-soldiers. Mostly infantry and artillery (the Offenbach Tuba Works converted to producing guns while war is in the offing?). The minis I have currently include 3 infantry units (at least that is how I plan to paint them), and 2 artillery pieces (1 howitzer and one cannon - 6 pounder?), and 3 mounted officers. Of course the defending force does not have to be limited to my (mostly unpainted) minis, but that seems like a good starting point.
Your humble servant,
Zurik Fitz-Badger
1 day ago
MY Dear Fits-Badger,
I am very glad to hear that you are feeling better. As much as anyone, my poor wife and I know how prolonged illness can really, really disrupt your activities!! Actually, you'd been in my prayers a bit, as the tone of something I read somewhere sounded an awful lot like an illness in your family was disrupting things ... it sounded a tad too familiar to us. So, I'm very happy to hear that you're back in battery!
May you get steadily better! Amen.
Now, as to the composition of the forces, I've a big question to ask you, will the Soweiter forces advance to meet the Frankszonian forces or will they try to defend the old, probably decrepit walls of Offenbach?
My personal email, as I've noticed that Blogger does not make contact easy, is
I'll have to scroll down a far piece to find out who the nice volunteer was.
BTW, official Frankszonian policy remains as "protector" of the Soweiter League, frankly I came up with this game in order to get the idea of proxy games rolling somehow.
Once again, glad your better.
Now, stay healthy!
This is in total disobedience to the normal rules of the list,
my email, again,
But here's a suggested orbat for the forthcoming collision ...
Note, the numbers in the Frankszonia material relate to Koenig’s Krieg, where one figure equals @ 50 men ... the numbers in parentheses give a relative quality rating ... line infantry being about ( 5) plus or minus ... Rifles stop at (4) because in this era they rarely were equipped for close combat with line units.
For the officers, the parentheses indicate “initiative” rating ... (1) being fairly good and (3) being genius like Fred the Grape ...
* L'Haugen Bienz: (0) A scion of the Bienz family (Braun Bienz is also a noted member).
Considered a coarse and uneducated general, he is noted for his persistence, and has a reputation
for causing foes to run.
* Brig. Shlidelisht: (1) An erratic cavalry genius.
* Hillary's Hussies: Hussars (7) 16 figs, blue coat, red leggings and cuffs
* HC Reiters, Cuirassers, 14 figs, (8) : (Green coat, yellow short clothes, Red tricorn, white
owl's feather)
* Vinny's Vincibles .... Cuirassiers, 14 figs (7) ; White coat, black Cuirass worn over small clothes
* Oberst Pfennighalter: (0)a man of great, compounded interests, usually organizes improved
militia units into reserve units. Also serves on the Stadt council
* IR Foot Longs, 2 bats @ 12 figs, (5)
(Black with yellow turnbacks, ?small clothes, yellow lace)
* Frankfurt Guild Militia battalion: 12 figs (3, but has a very good oom-pah band which may help in negotiations with Offenbach craftsmen) (various uniforms for each company).
* Guns:
6 four pounders,
2 howitzers,
2 12 pounders.
if Offenbach forces hold behind old town walls, additional infantry and artillery will be sent.
Remember, this mission is “to protect” Offenbach from the vile Stagonians, so any reasonable terms that the Soweiter militia accepts will work .... and also, we need those tuba works for our own artillery!
Soweiter League wrote:
“I'm thinking something along the lines of a defensive force mostly composed of citizen-soldiers. Mostly infantry and artillery (the Offenbach Tuba Works converted to producing guns while war is in the offing?). The minis I have currently include 3 infantry units (at least that is how I plan to paint them), and 2 artillery pieces (1 howitzer and one cannon - 6 pounder?), and 3 mounted officers.”
This could be organized as follows:
one regular, line battalion (12 figs (5))
Two militia battalions ( @ 12 figs (3))
and two artillery batteries ....
I’d give the Soweiter commander an initiative of (1) to give them some balance to the Frankszonian forces.
And perhaps, Fitz Badger could tell us a little about his officers??
Another adaptation would be to consider that each figure equals only 25 men, which would be a much more reasonable size for the Empire vs. Elector campaign.
(or whatever scale our noble volunteer chooses, LOL ...)
If our proxy player has the figures, I’d also advise him to come up with a militia cavalry unit for Offenbach ...
Note, in Koenig’s Krieg, which alas, he’ll probably not be using, a unit fitted out as “Hussars” is expected to have a higher morale (7) than a unit fitted out as dragoons (6) ... either could be used dismounted as light infantry too.
Now, to have fun!
Well it 'twas I, the infamous Murdock, whom was your volunteer, and the details are great.
We may the rules of Jeff's Tricorne wars, for this small(ish) action or SHAKO (which has 'adjustments' for 7YW era actions).
I shall try and detail out all of this and we may even get to 'give it a go' this coming weekend of the 21st.
I was not aware of the illness of Fits-Badger and wish him a speedy recovery also.
Stand by for a note from my email address.
Dear Fitz-Badger,
simultaneously sorry tolrearn about your illness, and glad to hear of your recovery. I know how the impedimenta of the Real World ™ can take you far from your hobby, but illness is one of the causes I always endvisage with worry when one 'of us' stops blogging foe a long time...
On the more general level of this blog, the web campaign and chiefly the relationships and mutual exchanges between 'us', I feel extremely endcouraging that 3 members, widely separated in the Real World ™, nevertheless manage to cooperate and have a game together. I hope all 3 will enjoy it and set an exemple that will more & more be followed. This way 'Emperor vs Elector' will bring even more, but far more, to all of us.
Compliments and best wishes to all,
Glad to have you back and hope you continue to feel better. I hope you enjoy the raising of your forces!
I'm glad that you are feeling better. I'm currently a bit muddle-headed with a pain-killer for a strained back, so I'm not too coherent at the moment . . .
But I know how being "under the weather" puts such a nasty wrench into the works. So please stay healthy.
-- Jeff
Okay, I'll start the more appropriate blogging on this little contretemps then ...
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