Wednesday, September 16, 2015

In Patagonia

In Patagonia
The history of Aurikania and Pathagounia
The complete unabridged history in four volumes
With copious notes on the manner of the original manuscript

Excerpt from Treachery Strikes House Patagonia
There is treachery in house Patagonia.  The house guard has been struck down with the death of all five standard bearers.  The dead bodies of several house Aurikanian Officer corp from Prince Blake’s retinue were found on the palace grounds.  This was not immediately brought to the attention of neither the king nor his counsel but in due time it was discovered that a gruesome scene had unfolded on the parade grounds of the royal palace.  The Patagonian house standard-bearers were found dismembered with their regalia torn from their command stands. Upon further investigation it appears that insurgents from house Prince Blake’s entourage  had killed the entire Patagonian standard-bearer core. Replacements were immediately found and put in place.
Marching to the sound of the guns the Patagonian army formed up and gave battle to Aracania in a battle that lasted a full evening.

Patagonia on the frontier 1762. This is the story of two imagi-nations Set in a time long ago.
Table of Contents Volume I-III:
I  The foundation of the territories and the naming of the provinces.
            A. Ancient Times, see The Island of Marnon and other historical fables.
            B. The War and the division of Auricania and Patagonia
II Early Naval Architecture
III  The Royal families: Prominent Families and Individuals
IV The Lineage of the House of Patagonia
V  The Armies
VI The Armies Part the Second
VII  The Rules of Warfare
VIII  The Naval Atlas of the Western Sea and the colonies
IX  The Island of Marnon and early histories including fantastic stories and myths from long ago
X  The solar calendar of the Auricanian and Patagonian hemisphere
Plate 1: Maps
Plate 2 Illustrations

Plate 3 Photographic engravings