Our 1713-1714 Catalonia campaign's fifth turn (
what-if-catalonia.blogspot.com/) has produced two battle situations, only one of which can be fought by us, so that we've thought that maybe someone of you would like to proxy game the other one.
Although each one of these battles might be considered as relatively small, they are crucial to the campaign development -so much, that they could become themselves a real turning point with respect to the campaign's historical aftermath.
We've selected for us the most odd and uneven of both scenarios. Forces are quite unbalanced in favour of the Two Crowns, but the labyrinthic terrain might be favourable to the Catalans, who will be enjoying prepared positions and might even try an ambush operation -although the scouting forces balance is favourable to the Two Crowns, too. We've given it the name of
Battle of Ponts in behalf of the town lying east to the map, and is supposed to start on 17 August 1713. Respective OOBs and map can be found here:
The encounter we'd like to be fought by someone else is the one to be called
Battle of El Bruc, and is supposed to happen the day next to the above. In their route from Igualada town towards Barcelona following the Lleida-Barcelona Road, the Two Crowns army must compulsory pass through a narrow pass amidst an abrupt, densely wooden landscape of steepy rocky hills, known as
Coll d'El Bruc (Heather Col). There is no other path, because the road is running very close to the imposing solitary range of
Montserrat, so that the Catalan army is of course calmly awaiting them on top of the col, having chosen the best positions to ensure a warm welcome to their adversaries. The battle opening is to be quite unbalanced, favourable in number of troops to the Spaniards, but during its first third the Catalans are to receive the reinforcement of 2 Infantry battalions, as well as 1 Line Cavalry regiment before end of the second third.
Early in the morning, an Imperial column was encamped alongside with the Catalans, but they've started withdrawing after the Two Crowns' army has been spotted, so that they play no role in the game, except for the fact that the Two Crowns scouting reports have lead the Spanish Commander-in-Chief to believe they are Catalans too, so that he might be really doubtful whether they are leaving the field due to internal disagreements, or if it's some kind of cunning tactics instead -maybe to perform some outflanking manoeuvre?
OOBs of al three sides and map of the area can be found here:
www.wargames.cat/Galatea/El_Bruc_18_Aug_1713.pdf. Please is there anyone willing to give this scenario a try?