This painting ( which hangs in the Ducal Palace ) is a fair and honest representation of New Tradgardland. It is a small colony which consists of a simple town , a few surrounding fields and a beach with a sandy landing area.It is situated around a day or so march from the great Gallian fort of Louisberg- with whom cordial relations are maintained. A Priest from the fort will say Mass for the New Tradgardlanders in the absence of a Priest from within their own community.
The Local Tribe live in peace with the town and cordial and mutually beneficial relations are maintained.
Ships from the Duchy call regularly with supplies to supplement that which is grown ,fished for or bartered for. A militia is in evidence for defence purposes only , comprising local volunteers.
A silly question: what is the official language used in Tradgarland?
Actually it is a good question!The language of Tradgardland is a mix of Swedish and Danish with many German words. German is spoken by many people in the Duchy and of course Latin is used by Church and State. The New Tradgardlanders speak a smattering of French due to their links with Louisberg.
Then where to find a tragarlander (dian?) translation of 'new'? 'nieuw' in Dutch, 'neu' in German... But a short google did not find a French (or English) translator to Danish, Swedish or Norvegian. Icelandic would be perfect, but I don't know Björk personally....
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