To our noble cousin, greetings.
In view of the brisk nautical intercourse between your realm and that of Scotland, we have authorised our Technical Counselor, Werner von Traun, the bearer of this letter, to present himself to your court for aid in booking passage for himself and his manservants from your well-favoured harbourage either directly to Edinburgh, the object of his voyage, or to such outward portions of the Scottish realm as may be practicable in the near term, from which locales the very competent Herr von Traun may be trusted to make his own way to Edinburgh.
Confident in your assistance in these matters, we make bold also to request that you also provide Herr von Traun permission to make inspection, while in Tradgardland, of your justly renowned Feuerwerkfabriken and various herring packing facilities of Tradgardstadt.
Your sincere and devoted cousin,
Herzog Ignaz von Pfalz-Kognat-Obersayn
2 hours ago
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