Le Grande Parade
(Die Grosse Marche)
Detachments from:
From Right:
Frankszonian forces:
* The Cellulite Cursers, Cuirassiers 400
* Hillary's Hussies: Hussars 350
* Reiters, Cuirassiers 350
* The Porcelain Regt, dragoons 400
** Der Zeizme Bundt Guard (* IR Summer Guard,(300) * IR Grinderdiers (600), )
* IR Black Kilts (600)
* IR Phaulie’s Fusils (1200)
* 2nd bat IR Hottatrot (300)
** Nathan's Nationals
Militia infantry: The Guild Companies, the Nordfeld regiment, and the Sudfeld regt.
Militia cavalry: The Wurst Brat Dragoons.
(Note, the militia seems quite under strength, especially the Nordfeld and Sudfeld regiments. The Militia still incorporates pike companies. Some of these men even appear to be carrying matchlocks, as well).
Artillery and Engineers special units.
* The Bombed Kennedy's (600)
{The Intendant and his officers will notice that, unlike the antique artillery they found in Frankfurt, this unit is equipped with pieces of the latest design – I’ve got to use AWI pieces with my plastics, okay? – including 4 siege guns, a battery of howitzers, about a dozen 12 pounders and two dozen 6 pounders, Granny Loomis is riding in an open carriage at their head}.
Total strength of reliables present: 3,800 ...
Total forces in unreliable units present: 1,700
(Not present because currently deployed away from Frankfurt)
Along the Nidda River, etc.
* Hiese Hunde Hussies (400)
* Vinny's Vincibles (240)
* IR Braunsbienz, (600)
* IR Foot Longs, (600)
With the Corps Chevert
** Colonel Chickens Brigade (@1200)
* 1st Battalion, IR Hottatrot (@600)
Gallian Forces:
* De Saxe Uhlans: 120 guarding Pettygree and Masquerade now housed here within the Citadel.
* Militia Grenadiers: 480, in the citadel itself, the guards you saw here.
* Brigade Flanders: Three battalions: 1,952 hommes.
* Brigade Provence: Four battalions: 2,323 hommes here in Frankfurt Am Main.
* Artillerie: 8 Battalion Pieces.
* Brigade Auvergne: Two battalions: 1,200 hommes (regulars).
* Saxe-Raschstein Chevaulegers von Rutowski: 400 hommes.
* Artillerie: 1 Battalion Piece.
Total in Frankfurt: 6,475, does not count de Poyanne’s corps.
Now Just North Of The City:
L’Corps de Armée de Lt. Gen. de Poyanne is not far away. He has some 25,000 hommes and twenty pieces of ordnance.
General Nathan is among the notables on the dias with the Hurtshog and the Intendant.
He has informed Intendant Bastille that the Hurtshog considers * Hillary's Hussies: Hussars 350
* Reiters, Cuirassiers 350 and the Militia units as all unreliable against the noble / Hamburger plot ... also, the IR Foot Longs are not trusted.. Also, IR Foot Longs, to the west of town are considered to have too many officers related to the plotting nobles. The Duke intends to order all of these to the south to Offenbach in the expedition “to protect Offenbach.” He will send Vinny’s Vincibles with them, and Once they know their orders are specifically to Offenbach and against Stagonia, however, there will be sentiment among the troops to stand steady on that assignment. This, however, will entail a dangerous passage of potentially hostile troops through Frankfurt. The Duke hopes that sufficient Gallian “guides” will be assigned to these forces to prevent any unpleasantness.
During the speech segment of the review, the Hurtshog denounces the vile plotting of the Hamburgers and Stagonians to despoil Frankfurt and her friends, the Soweiter League. He reads, with suitably acidic commentary, the note given to the Soweiter League. Reliable men posted throughout the unit give the appropriate shouts of anger and resolution and cheer when the Hurtshog declaims: “We shall stand steadfast against these threats and preserve the ancient privileges and autonomy of Frankfurt!”
Then he proclaims the Divine Providence of the presence of Gallian forces between Frankfurt and the Hamburger contagion. “Given that the main effort of resisting this subtle, underhanded sneak attack will fall upon them, we are elevating the Gallian Intendent to Lt. General of Frankszonia so that he and his staff can most efficiently direct our defense in this crisis!”
There is a smattering of extremely polite applause to this, as a strange conveyance is wheeled onto the field. It is a fancifully carved and painted large wooden rocking horse! Gen. Nathan whispers that the rockers conceal an ingenious suspension to provide a comfortable ride. Obviously the rider would sit head and shoulders above even the escorting team of cuirassiers! The Hurtshog continues, “As is traditional, we hereby install the General Bastille upon his mount of command!” As cheerful Frankszonian officers urge the General up onto the contrivance (there is also an ingenious little ladder to enable one to mount it), the Frankzonian forces are led in the ceremonial three “Huzzahs!” A section of the Summer Sage Guards forms up in rigid attention, and after presenting arms, assumes a position to protect the Intendant.
Then General Hottatrot and Oberst Rosenschnauz are brought forward.
The Marquis Hottatrot, leaning on two grenadiers, is awarded the Order of the Grilled Wiener for his initiative and bravery at the Battle of Bad Tannes ... his persistance even when seriously wounded is also mentioned. Then the color party of the 2nd Battalion of IR Hottatrot is ordered forward as representative of the regiment and presented with a red ribbon for the Battle of Bad Tannes.
The rotund Oberst Rosenschnauz is formally promoted to Brigadier in recognition of his steadfastness when literally between enemy fires, again in spite of his wounds, leading his battalion in holding its ground until the Cellulite Cursers and the Black Skirts could deploy and force the foe to fold.
As the infantry regiment Chicken is in the field with Gen. Chevert, Hauptman Sanders is given the red ribbon for the Battle of Bad Tannes for their unit.
After further huzzahs, and a speech by General Bastille, the parade proceeds to its conclusion ....
1 hour ago
1 comment:
Sorry, my hands were too shaky, and the pictures didn't turn out ...
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