"Dr. von Traun, plasurre. Pleasealloometae in'rroduce mesel'; Dr. William Cullen, Professoro'Na'ural Philosophy, herra' Aydinburr. Menzies tellsusya'renquirraun af'er Professor Black, faerhaunerswiabit, bu'?"
Dr. von Traun could only stare open-mouthed in reply.
"Sehr sorrich. I am understand that the English would be gesprechen by the Schottisch at der Universität. Possiamus linguam Latinam aut Gallicam loqui?"
"I have always found the French more fluid for these sorts conversations," replied the Scotsman in a court-accented French. "Unhappily, I'm afraid that Professor Black has relocated to Glasgow since last term, after Prof. Plummer's death last year. However, we at Edinburgh are honoured of course to host academic guests from the Continent. The Select Society, an association of philosophical gentlemen meets weekly here to discuss matters of natural and moral philosophy, and I would be honoured to present you as my guest at our meeting tonight."
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