To His Grace Herzog Ignaz
Sir I am instructed to remind your Grace of the forthcoming meeting of Natural Philosophers on Holy Cross Day and ask if he intends sending representation. I am respectfully asked also to extend an invitation to yourself to join the Duke in the days proceeding for entertainments and discussions of a diverse nature. The invitation extends to your family also.It is hoped that the occasion may heal misunderstandings on the part of all parties in the past.Finally I am also instructed to ask you if the Duke's daughter Alisona has availed herself of your hospitality in recent days?
yours most humbly
The secretary of the Inner Council
His Grace regrets that affairs of state along the Mosel prevent his acceptance of the courteous invitation of the Duke of Tradgardland. However, his Grace does welcome the opportunity to permit his Technical Counselor, Herr Werner von Traun, and his Household Tutor and Confessor, Msgr. Baldesar de Chiaroscuro, to participate in the conference of the Ducal Society of Natural Philosophy if such participation can be reconciled with Msgr. de Chiaroscuro's responsiblities as chaperone of the Prinzessin Sophie-Vittoria's debuts at the courts of Europe.
If a lady of standing at the Duke of Tradgardland's court could be so good as to present the Prinzessin to Tradgardlander Court, then the Prinzessin's party would be well justified in making the journey to Tradgardland, enabling the Technical Counselor and Household Tutor's participation at the Sancta Crux Conference of the Ducal Society.
Your humble servant,
Gottfried Graf von Schirnhausen
Chancellor to Duke Ignaz von Pfalz-Kognat-Obersayn
His Grace regrets to say that he has not had the pleasure of entertaining any guests of any nature from Tradgardland in the past year.
His Grace has been reminded of a certain Tradgardland embassy to Achselfraktur, which his grace was unable to attend personally, but as to the key point of the Prinzessin Allison his grace is remorsefully ignorant.
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