A major break with tradition, however, is that the military, outside of their formal functions and patrol duties, seem to be absent from town ... and a frisson of rumor of great battles nearby runs through the crowds.
Some of the major Foreign notables who are specifically honored with carriages and escorts and participation in the rituals include the following:
Saxe Bearstein:
Consular military attaches, Major Karl von Lager:
who of course will be feted by various ladies, invited to the Council of Knights and other ceremonial functions. In private, the Hurtshog and Gen. Meyer will be interviewing him about a coordinated response to Stagonian irritations. What they are looking for, of course, is acquiescence to the Frankszonian “protection” of Offenbach. He will also be offered a run down farm for the construction of a Saxe-Bearstein consulate near of the city. Le Comte d’Beauphaup assures him that Frankszonia would rather throw a barbecue than a battle!
. For the masquerade, he will be costumed as a fairy knight. He is promised a “noble lady of high estate, breeding, and appearance” for the Masquerade. In the meantime, however, there seems to be a strong likelihood that he will make the acquaintance of Martha, Lady Pettygree’s maid. Who, of course, will be at the Masquerade as one of the many fairy girls in attendance.

Generalmajor Paul von Scheider and wife Roswitha von Scheider are also in the glittering train of nobles and officers at these events. Again, In private, the Hurtshog and Gen. Meyer will be interviewing him about a coordinated response to Stagonian irritations. What they are looking for, of course, is acquiescence to the Frankszonian “protection” of Offenbach. On the other hand, Frankszonia is concerned to preserve the unique nature of the Soweiter League, especially as they provide handy entre-pots to regional markets often under the thumb of more grasping, larger powers.
They are to be costumed as members of Oberon’s (and who IS Oberon?) court.
Helga Freitag, Under-Secretary for Minor Matters on Even Numbered Months, will, of course be closeted with Stuftliana and Professor DuBois discussing ideas for educational establishments (as in military academies). Rumor has it that they will be costumed as the other set of “Lovers in the Forest.”
Fraulein Francine Oppenkopf,

if she attends as a Stagonian representative, will be granted a constant bodyguard / protector due to the current tensions vis a vie Stagonia. She is told that Frankszonia simply can’t tolerate interference with the Soweiter League due to vital economic interests. (On the other hand, she’s been offered a deal by some disaffected Frankszonian merchants at terms which, in their words, they would be cutting their own throats).
At the dance, she may be torn between a person with a commanding air who is costumed as the Ducal General of Cuirassiers (Lord Bastille, in half armor and in command of security) and the heroic figure of the Marquis d’Hottatrot, dripping with gaudy medals and enjoying his moment of glory .... playing up his wound for all it’s worth (nor is he adverse to groping groupies).
Lady Rosenschnauz will be playing a fairy godmother near the alcove where the Urpprinz will be nursed and nestled. What as or who with her husband will attend is not known. Rumor has it that he will be unable to participate due to his wound.
Those who know him might recognize Phillipe, either as a waiter with a tray of drinks or dancing with a young girl of the local nobility. The lass is dark haired, animated, and roguish in her behavior, as well as being a good dancer. Alas, she seems deaf to all the various importunes of dubious opportunities with various officers and burgomeisters which will be offered to her.
Sir Tom, the count Saucie: the tall, dark envoy from Duke Alfredo of Bologna ... middle aged but in good shape, having established himself as a decent cavalry officer prior to this appointment, will arrive escorting another of the local debutantes, but will also make a pass at Fraulein Oppenkopf ....
The squire Charade, who is part of Pettygree’s and Masquerade’s entourage, attends as the human slave swiped by Titania from Oberon (and, oh yes, who gets to play Titania?). His costume of decorated ballet leotards displays his youthful and athletic figure much to the distraction of several of the local frauleins.

Naughty gossip has it that the poor Comte l’Beauphaup, having been rebuffed by Lord Charade and by a French officer is not attending. On the other hand, his skill with costume and disquise is legendary. Will anybody spot him before the unmasking?
Prior to the entrance of the Hurtshog and his wife (separately as “the Lovers in the Woods”), the crowd is entertained by the hilarious high jinks of Puck and a rotund fellow wearing the Donkey’s Head.

While this offsets the tension in the crowd caused by rumors of battles approaching Frankfurt, the tension is revived when people notice that the ceremonial guards are not standing to their normal rigid, formal poise, but are instead at arms - ready, and obviously scanning the crowd, the various rooms, and the grounds with martial intensity. There are also rumors of some little outbreaks by mechanics against the Gallian laborers who had, of course, also been included in the festivities.
Meanwhile, Fettucine is happily pairing off with young and old of either sex alike to lead them through a few figures for each new number that Moosart’s musicians bounce through. Tumblers, acrobats, mimes, jugglers, and other entertainers wander through the crowd performing their stunts whenever they hit an open spot. There are even folk dancers and actors imported from a region famous for their arts.

All goes well with the chattering, gay, and glittering company swirling and jumping and bowing through polkas and minuets and waltzes (with a few going off to enjoy some waltzes of the Straws). The colorful costumes above the polished marble floors amid the mirrored walls and sparkling chandeliers make a dizzying whirlpool of color. All of this turbulence of color is framed by the deep, polished wood and plush, velvet drapery (a few which drapes seem occasionally agitated from behind by pairs of brightly polished or beaded shoes).

After midnight, the crowd gathers onto the balconies and into the paved courts (it’s been raining most of the day, after all) to enjoy the fireworks against the dark clouds. The firewheels, sprinkling lights, multi-colored boms and lofty rockets dazzle against their sable backdrop. After a grand finale with Moosart’s most bombastic piece accompnied by fountains of light, flights of rockets, and spreading blasts of golden showers high in the air, everyone bestows their dancing partners and other suitable targets with grand, flourishing, romantic kisses. Oh, embarrassed laughter as the unmasking shows who kissed whom!
Then the frivolity is suddenly shattered by a loud roar! “Hold up there, ye conniving Italian bastard! I’ll carve yooor tripes tae haggis! Ye’ll cozen me lasses nae mair!” There is a sudden flash and clatter of swords rippling in a wave of screams and shouts. As some soldiers push through the crush towards the disturbance, others take quick steps away from the people and cock their pieces alertly ... One reveler tumbles bleeding into the mirrored hall holding a shattered rapier while another breaks through the bewildered guests and vaults a stone wall into the night.
As the officers converge on the wounded man, who sinks into (and promptly ruins) and elaborately embroidered seat, the young stranger looks up and says in clear English (for those who understand that uncouth and disordered tongue), “Fettucine! Ah well, old chap. You know, I was sure you were the one supposed to assassinate me. Pettygree! and that old laird as a lover!” He grimaces for a moment, then asks, “What will poor Georgie say?” As the court physicians try to clear away his finery to reveal a horrible slash through his rib cage, he gives a wry smile, winches, and in best Hollywood tradition, dies.
Among the confused and clamoring guests, the Intendant Bastille finds that the Hurtshog is suddenly standing beside him with a drawn sword and pistol, watching the crowd as if he was the Intendant’s body guard. Then, even before Bastille can frame an appropriate comment or question, another sudden alarm descends on the estate. With loud shouts of challenge and response, a troop of both Frankszonian dragoons and Gallian Hussars gallop into the estate. Their officers fling themselves from their horses and smash through the crowd to the Intendant. One has no hat but a bloody bandage, and another’s arm had been shot.
As the Intendant and his own officers draw their own weapons, the Hurtshog barks, “Vell?!”
The Frankszonian dragoon replies, “You and Moose Hunter were right.”
The Gallian captain interjects, “He committed suicide.”
The Frankszonian agrees, and adds, “Some got away anyway, and they’ve got a few of their damned martyrs now.”
“Pferde Schizen! Bauergraben Mucken! VerDamnt!” roars the Hurtshog. Then he spins on the Intendant angrily. As the Gallians prepare to shoot the Hurtshog down, he tells Bastille, “Ach! Now vill you some Frankszonian marks earn, Mein Herr! Ve were ov dem dumbkopf Stadt Constabulary suspicious. Und! Ve var Ricthig! Diesen Baurenfoofs macht on Sein Bastille an attack. Alle ist aber, nicht kaput. Vir haben diesen Furhren gerumpt, und alle die arsenalen secured.” The Hurtshog gets control of himself, and continues, “it seems that a few of our prisoners did escape anyway. After all, the constables were all veterans. But now, Ich mussen eine Reich von Armee declare ... which makes you, m’Lord, my ranking und most responsible minister as General der Ober Kommander.”
General Schwann steps up to the Intendant and salutes. “General, he asks, “may we secure these nobles here until your command have declared the city safe?”
A lieutenant of the Sage Guards marches up, salutes: “The Princess and the Urpprinz are safe, M’lord. The Rosenschnauzes have put squares about them and the great ladies.”
Two other officers (note, one Gallian and one Frankszonian) ride in from the city. They clomp up to the Intendant, “we are in luck, General. The mob did not riot, thanks to all the rain; and once the constables started shooting, everybody actually fled to their homes. Except for the troopers doing the house to house searches, All seems quiet .”
Stay tuned.
Who was Oberon and Titania?
What happened to Puck and to the donkey?
How will this batter the poor Paranoid Bastille?
Who was the Englishman, and why did he die?
Will the Ducal family and the Noble Ladies be rushed to Gallian safety, or will Frankszonia now be secure, even enough for Bastille?
Meanwhile, how have the Frankszonian Battalions under General Chevert fared?
We wonders, aye, we wonders.
August 20, 2007 (12:06am)
My prodigious compliments to you.
And now, the rest of the story, part of it anyway....
Sincere Regards,
Narrator: Well, WELL! Mayhem, confusions, obfuscations, tumolt, uncertainties, fear, death, madmen, rebels, pleasantries, enchantments, color, fine music, opulent food, scoundrels, secrecies, elevated blood pressure, honour and glory all in one evening.
Was l'Intendant Bastille right all along? Hat Bastille recht?, as the Germanians might inquire?
Narrator: Off to the side of the main room, we find the Gallian l'Intendant Bastille unmasked speaking quietly with a man in a black mask of imposing size and rippling energy. Steam rises from his sodden wool garments no doubt due to the inclement weather but adding a certain sense of being on fire about something. He peers at Bastille from one side of his mask.
Bastille: Execute l'plan.
Black Mask: Oui, this instant.
Narrator: The Black Mask vanishes into the night air. Moments later three rockets ascend into the night sky, explode and flare, illuminating low lying scudding clouds with intense blue light. Concurrently a flash of lightning suddenly strikes the ground nearby. A wisp of smoke and dust rise from the point of impact. No one is hurt though many are stricken with mixtures of fear, awe and amazement. Most fall to the ground in heaps. Suddenly an old woman in ragged garments walks near singularly unimpressed by the commotion disappearing into the darkness nearby.
Narrator: Out in the street we find two ladies in a state of agitated conversation.
Lady Cherish Masquerade: "Diana, this is intolerable. I am reminded of the Scandalusian nightmare of last year. Is all ruined, I mean this great party? What is it with these Frankzonians?"
Lady Diana Pettygree: "Hush. You are under orders to never speak of the Scandalusian Affair again. As for tonight, well, my particular friend, we will always have the clothing, the fun, the music, the guessing, posturings, the hair and the memories plus....Oh look! The blue flares are up. L'plan is afoot!"
CRASH!!!!!!!! BOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!
A lightning bolt concurrently stikes the ground not twelve and three quarters toises away. The ladies fall to the ground in a state of shock. For a moment everything is bathed in intense white light. No doubt fiends bent on mischief or worse now fearing discovery, scuttle away.
Masquerade: "My hair ... for all love!!! My gown too! But look! It is SHE, That Old Woman, again!"
Pettygree: [Rising on one elbow pushing fallen raven black hair from her eyes, she perceives "That Old Woman" beckoning her.] "Madame, where..., how...but...why..."
That Old Woman: "I told thee afore, Germania is not for thee. Listen to me lest an odd fate captures thee." [With that she slowly circles a lowered arm upward to her right pointing down the Wurst Strasse. Pettygree turns to look and sees a man in a black mask approaching with hurried steps calling her name. He leads a magnificent black stallion. Behind him Lt. Gardier with all of his Lancers de Saxe (Pettygree's escort)gallop to a standstill around the ladies with lances pointing outwards in all directions.
Black Mask: "Madmoiselles are you all right? [They nod Oui.] Come with me this instant!"
Pettygree: "Yes, but let me speak to someone first Monsieur, if you please. But ... she is gone. Gone in an instant as has happened each time in the past."
Black Mask: "Who? There was no one here Lady Diana. Gardier, did you see someone near."
Gardier: "Oui Monsieur. I've seen her before - just one time outside the Prince de Charade's estate at the last party before the war resumed. And as before she appears, conveys some meaning to Lady Pettygree and then in an intant is gone. A mystery Monsieur."
Black Mask: "Ahem. Well. We'll discuss this another time. Meanwhile, ALL to horse and away.
Masquerade: "You see Diana, oh this infernal sturrup, she has come again to warn you. She must be your protectress."
Pettygree: Oh Cherish. When I turned to speak, she was gone - again. Impossibly gone. I am confused but glad to know for the moment we are safe. Who and what she is, is still unknown to me. Her appearance as if out of a bolt of lightning imparts the most curious and strange contemplations in my heart and mind. But for now these thoughts must rest. Monsieur! I am much obliged to you and this magnificent stallion. A Royal des Carabiniers horse blanket, if I am not mistaken, eh?"
Black Mask: "Certainment. Gardier!"
Gardier: "Oui Monsieur!"
Black Mask: "Away! At the gallop!"
Narrator: And with all that, the squadron of Lancers de Saxe gallop into the night away from the place of trouble with the two ladies, the Black Mask and Lt. Gardier in the lead. They disappear down the Wurst Strasse heading for....
Oh, fine. You let us know what happened to a couple of unimportant women when what we truly want to know . . .
is Fraulein Francine Oppenkopf pregnant? And, if so, who is the father?
All other matters are of little real importance.
-- a Stagonian
The Fraulien Oppenkauf was seen in the company of the Intendant Bastille, the Ambassador from Bologna, and l'Comte d' Hottatrot.
Also, she was seen comforting the young lieutenant from the Porcelain Dragoons who had entered so dramatically with his bandaged and bleeding head ....
Since the Ambassador will be attending the Sunday celebrations and the Intendant will have little privacy this night, I'd tend to suspect the later two ... though who knows what may have happened in some little alcove covered by the thick velvet drapery in a stolen moment or two?
Alas, I'm afraid that more than one of the dancing throng will be unable to recall in the morning ... which may include the lovely fraulein ....
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