Baron V. Ballpark at Schonau
Gen. Chevert at Gemunden.
Pursuant to your orders, my dispositions were thus:
A squadron of dragoons each at Grafendorf, Diebach, and Hammelburg.
The Grafendorf position covered the direct route from Salzungen and Fulda; Dielbach a route which could be used to flank our right;, and Hammelburg on the excellent road leading to Wursburg which actually passes about four miles east of Gemundenm and to which a good road from Gemunden leads.
I had posted Oberst Chicken at Wolfmunster, Lieutant Oberst Sanders at Ascheroth, and the 1st Hottatrot battalion back at Schonau. This last as they have a reputation for impetuosity and thus I could count on their advancing quickly to the point of contact. Most of the Cavalry was also at Wolfmunster. The Gallian infantry was also posted at Wolfmunster.
As the enemy approached via Neuwirthshaus, Wartmannsroth, and Waizenbach, the squadrons at Diebach and Hammelburg were withdrawn to Aschenroth and Weyersfeld.
When the enemy arrived at the bridges and defile at Wolfmunster, two days ago, they discovered that all of the open terrain between the ridges on both sides of the river were under our 12 pdrs posted on the east ridge. They decided not to contest that defile but ascended the ridge at Schonderfeld, the next day, flanking our batteries.. As the position at Aschenroth seemed to offer the foe too many manuever options with his superior forces, we have concentrated on the plateau at Seifriedsburg, The enemy appears to be deploying directly against us, but I have ordered the squadron at Weyersfeld to remain there as an outpost should they attempt another flank march, as this would put them on the Wursburg route again and thus evade our position entirely.
Our left flank is covered by the defile between Schonau and Wolfsmunster. This is barricaded and covered by some light guns and dragoons ... and the hillside is mined to cause blocking landslides should the foe attempt to force it.
We are trying to create a series of delaying positions across this plateau. Even though we are only about six miles from Gemunden, the nature of the terrain is such that should we fail here, there are several other defiles on the route, which winds more than ten miles from our position to yours.
Yr Srvnt,
V. Ballpark
1 hour ago
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