A frigate approaches the capitol of Tradgardmaetare flying the Byzantine flag and a white flag of peace. A ships boat with two highly bedecked officers ties up at the piers and hands a message to a young officer.
Greetings to the Duke of Tradgardmaetare Karl Frederick,
May peace be with you. We come to pay homage to our old friends who provide soldiers for the Emperor's Own, Varangian Guard.
By way of introduction I am High Lord Admiral Gustawind of the White Fleet of Re-Constituted Byzantium and bring greetings to you from my Lord Bob XXI Protector of the Divine Mistress.
I extend the sincerest and most heartfelt wishes to you and your subjects. Our Emperor trusts this letter finds you in good health. In our ultimate goal we are in search for Princesses for the Emperor's Sons. In our final orders we sail shortly to Hamburg. We would request that you provide us with fresh water and provisions for which we will pay in gold coin.
Your Obedient Servant
Gustawind Sailfast
Admiral of the White Fleet
1 day ago
The letter is relayed to the Ducal Palace. While this occurs the visitors are indeed made welcome and offered provisions and water.A breathless messenger returns bearing a letter for the Admiral. It reads as follows-
You are most welcome. Please avail youself of what you need for you and your staff.
As you are no doubt aware my firstborn the fair Alisona has been offered in mariage . This has been announced by public proclamation across the Land. Your letter speaks of princes. Who are these youths and what is offered to my glorious Duchy in exchange for its finest daughter?
Tell me of your land and its customs that my beloved may be known to be given into safe hands .
Karl Frederick
Karl Frederick,
There are four royal males and two females of marriageable age. The eldest male, Constantine, and heir to the throne is 20 he serves as my flag Lt. and knows nothing of our search. He is a handsome boy with a scar from his jaw to his ear from fights against Adriatic Sea pirates. The other male heirs are all handsome and range in age from 18, 17, and 15. Until he his crowned as the next Emperor Constantine would be given command (Admiral of the Blue) of three capital ships and four frigates to patrol the shipping lanes we will use to carry on trade with Tradgardmastare, he would also recruit and command a Regiment of foot here to become his personal body guard once he is crowned. Ultimately, the Regiment would be under your overall command until such time.
Byzantium has re-constituted itself from it's old lands prior to the fall of Constantinople in 1452 to the Turks. In 1525 Constantine XVII sailing from Rhodes had formed an army of mercenaries and reconquered Byzantium. We have since been concentrating on matter of internal cohesion and trade to bring it back to it's 7th century heights under Belisarius.
Byzantium trades rye, cattle, wine, olives and oil, and copper.
We are at peace with our eastern and southern neighbors, Ruritania is our most beligerent neighbor but we have a treaty with them currently.
Your Servant
Gustawind Sailfast
Admiral of the White Fleet
Well said Master Sailfast!
You have given me much to think about. I must confer with my inner council.Be our guests as you wait for my answer. The future of both our nations is at stake!
Karl Frederick
Master sailfast
How many men are to be recruited? My duchy and her needs require our manpower for our own defence- how can we guarentee that your master will not bleed us dry of men?
As for matters of trade we are keen to establish links. Our herring and Karlsberg Ale are renowned and will have you ,the heirs of our vangrian friends clamouring to buy!
Karl Frederick
Karl Frederick
The personal guard regiment from Tradardmastare would be appoximately 200 men, the remainder of the regiment would be Byzantines recruited through volunteers from established Byzantine regiments.
Ale is certainly lacking in our climate.
Master Sailfast
We give you leave and priveledge to recruit 200 men.Our warehouses await payment prior to the loading of the ale and herring.
Admiral Sailfast says "My dear Karl Frederick we have dispatched sufficient coin to re-supply the fleet with it's daily ale ration as well as a goodly supply of "pickled Herring and onion" as a treat for the men, a little something different from salt beef.
Now we would like to discuss some trade items we think might be of interest you."
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