Dear Reader, if you please, repair to the half dozen entries commenced 20 June entitled "On a Galley...." Only afterwards, I would be obliged if you would take up that story with its continuance below. Thank you.
l'Capitaine de l'Vengeance
"Deck! Deck there. She is the Invincible."
Gallian Diplomat l'Comte de Rapprochement on the quarterdeck lee rail:
"We've heard of her before my dear von Bergman. She is trouble and, if I am not mistaken, means to distress us, if it is within her capitaine's power. I do not know much of her other than in the year 55 she crippled a small ship of the line of 50 guns off Cape Breton in the fleet action there. We lost several transports and warships sailing en-flute filled with soldiers en-route to Canada. I believe one transport struck her colors to Invincible."
von Bergman:
"Well then, the game is perhaps now known. Invincible I should gather intends to take us and prevent our further diplomatic discourse at Versailles. A traitor is likely in my home country. I have a notion of someone too. He opposed my mission to Gallia and may desire to ruin our chance for joint efforts mon tres cher l'Comte. Wait though, your Capitaine has arrived back on deck.
l'capitaine de l' Vengeance:
Messieurs. My compliments to you. I may beg to ask you to go below to sick bay should things become hot. It is the safest part of my ship. However, there is no need now. Invincible is encumbered by barnicles and weed unless recently removed. I observe we are faster with the wind amidships and she only has a soldier's wind coming from aft. Though our courses will intersect, we will pass through the intersection first. Now, if you will excuse me, good morning to you both and I would be pleased to have you join me for coffee and eggs within the half hour unless the requirements of the service interevene.
von Bergman:
"A polite capitaine, he is."
l'Comte de Rapprochement:
"Oui and confident too."
Enseigene Bargot:
Monsieur l'Capitaine, the foretopgallant mast is down hanging all ahoo. We are slowing....
1 day ago
The loss of l'Vengeance's foretopgallant mast rounded her up very close to the wind throwing the set of sails everywhere else wildly shivering. A shocking loss of speed of course resulted. Deck hands and officers momentarily looked at each other in disbelief. Thus Invincible's sails though formerly in the distance amidships now could be menacingly viewed obliquely from the starboard bow of the Gallian frigate.
Now the hull of Invincible rose rise above the horizon line as viewed from the deck of the damaged Gallian vessel. Officers and crew rocketed into action to make things aright when the mainmast lookout again called down to the deck.
"DECK! Capitaine. Monsieur! There are two more sail coming out of the mist. Line abreast following the first Britannian. Sloops. Bearing for us Monsieur."
l'Capitaine de l'Vengeance:
"Oui. Merci. C'est mal! "Clear that raffle, cut it away. Vite. Set for close hauling. NOW!"
l'Comte de Rapprochement, mouth gaping wide open in disbelief turned to von Bergman saying...
l'Comte de Rapprochement:
"Mon ami, --- colleague. I fear we are lost. What can be done? What indeed can be done --- now?
Von Bergman looks around and surveys both the scene and the potentialities! He muses upon the uncetainties of his profession and his service over years to the Duchy.His reverie is interruped as he is hit by shot from a small calibre cannon .He crumples to the deck..................
l'Capitaine de l'Vengeance:
"Sailor!. Help l'Comte with the foreigner von Bergman."
"Easy now. My neck cloth. Tie it above the artery. Yes that's it. The bleeding slows. Now get a mate and we'll carry him to the surgeon."
No other sailor could be detailed to help. Thus, the sailor assisted by a blood spattered l'Comte carried von Bergman below to sick bay. l'Docteur Castries awaited their arrival gently positioning the wounded and unconscious diplomat on a sailclth covered operating table made from sea chests. Knives and surgeons tools of many designs layed in neat rows off to the side waiting their turn. The red-soaked coat sleeve was cut away from the left arm revealing the wound. Meanwhile on deck....
"Helmsman reset your course for south of west. Gundeck, prenez garde a vous. (Attention) Run out the starboard battery. We shall fire on the uproll. Steady and and FIRE!"
It is a mystery how the mind and eyes enlivened to an amazing level of acuity under such circumstances can actually see the flight of ten roundhot hurtling at incredible speed arcing and then descending to smash into their distant target. What little the Invincible's bow chaser had done to l'Vengeance and von Bergman was shockingly repaid many fold to the Britannian.
"Starboard battery reload. Gun captains, the same as before. Steady, the uproll comes. Fire!"
Enseigne Bargot:
"Monsieur, the foremast of the enemy has fallen taking the bowsprit with it. It acts like a sea anchor."
"Oui. She will be of no further distress to us. The sloops still far to the north though fast will not dare abandon her or take us on by themselves now. Resume repairs to the foretopgallant mast, if you please. Gundeck, secure your guns."
l'Vengeance resumed her former heading with the wind amidships, her fastest point of sail. Her long guns and accurate gun crews had saved the ship in an amazing display of skill at long range. As the hours passed, the Britannians disappeared off the starboard aft quarter, repairs were made and the familiar sights of the rounding coastline into Le Have came into view. By morning l'Capitaine thought they would be quietly riding at anchor in the harbor at the mouth of the Seine, the water road to Paris and Versailles where the two diplomats were destined to go. Below in sick bay....
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