To All Who Shall See These Presents, Greetings!
I am bid by my Master, Herzog Albrecht and her Serene Excellence, the Herzogen Lynnette, to extend his most Beneficent Welcome from the Duchy of Lagerburg-Slobbovia. His excellency, former commander of the Imperial Yacht, has been fortunate enough to have been granted the title and this land from the Emperor in Vienna, who wishes to provide greater security to this region. From our remote location on the Eastern Grenz (note from Allen: superimpose the Duchy on a map of modern-day Slovenia), we are frequently the beneficiary of numerous encursions from elements of the Sofa-n-Ottoman Empire. Through our access to the Donau, and also to the Adriatic, the Herzog may be called upon to conduct modest naval duties in both the blue-water and riverine arenas. Our neighbor to the immediate north-west, Slobbovia, is currently in the service of the Herzog; Prince Sergei Cherkinoff has been graciously allowed by the Herzog to retain his title and limited local self-rule. This state of affairs is not always so, and from time to time the Herzog must take the field to ensure the acquiescence of the Prince. Between the numerous breweries in the northern Pisswassere valley and several iron and silver mines in the Slobbovian region, Lagerburg has ample surplus to offer trade relations to interested parties. I am instructed to begin communications with you, our neighboring states, as well as potential allies or business partners. May the blessings of the Prophet be upon you!
With Great Regards I remain,
Sheik Yerboudi
Personal Vizier and Emmissary to His Excellency,
Herzog Albrecht
(p.s. for more background as to the history of the Duchy, as well as myself, go to:
1 day ago
Furst Bruno von Ursa of the Principality of Saxe-Bearstein has instructed me to welcome you to the society of imagiNATIONS.
It is his sincere hope that your peoples will benefit from the joys of trade (and not suffer the outrages of war).
Unfortunately, while Saxe-Bearstein wishes for nothing but peace, war in central Europe seems imminent.
Therefor Saxe-Bearstein has been forced to recruit troops from the RSM group of Daytonstein. We are furthermore eagerly awaiting their uniforms from the tailors at Ceramcoat.
Thus, while we welcome your ambassadors, they must be prepared in case Gallia or Hesse-Seewald sees fit to carry their warfare into our peaceful lands.
-- Jeff of Saxe-Bearstein
for Furst Bruno von Ursa
Your Excellency
As Herringmeister of the Duchy of Tradgardland I am at liberty to offer you a regular supply of finest salt herring in exchange for the lease of some grenzer companies to guard my border. Arrangements of a "herring guard" from your excellencys forces to accompany the mule trains needs to be negotiated too.
I await your earliest reply
Ingmar von Bergman Herring Meister and astronamer royal
Greetings and hallucinations!
May your fish ever be flippant!
Your arrival may not be as pleasant as supposed as Gallia has started to march to war!
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