Grande Mappe version 5

This one has Frankzonia position corrected, some color changes and the inclusion of most of the opponents (that were listed).
I have included Mieczyslaw aggressor states of:
Altmorania: essentially a replacement of Prussia.
The Principality of Boyardvina: an important western part of the Russian Empire.
Hertzogh of Burtzenia: an Austrian flavored region located in Moravia.
The Khanate of Dobrudshiva: a northwestern peice of the Ottoman Empire.
Based on the new size decided upon, Hesse-Engelburg should probably extend northwards up to around the level of the big word HANOVER, making it roughly the same size as Hanover but located to the west of Hanover.
Cany you put Wittenberg's aggressor state of Monrovia on - about where Wurtemburg is
Allan (Wittenberg)
Hesse-Seewald seems to get smaller with each iteration. That might be a cause for war.
The northern boundary should include the mountainous area just to the south of the town of Brunswick.
The eastern boundary should run along the Saale river line (from Jena to Halle to the Prussian border, just south of Magdeburg).
The West boundary is the unnamed river that runs thru the "H" in Hesse Seewald, thru the "Z" in Schwarzburg, and thru the "U" in Engleburg.
The southern border looks OK.
Finally, Prussia should be Germania. Good grief, there would be no war without Prussia.
Austrian is called Imperium
What's the northern border of the real region of Hesse at the time period? I don't mind moving north a bit to give some more room, into the area west of Hanover, but I don't know how far north I can move without losing all contact with the Hessian states.
There was a lot of flexibility about this. Marriages and wars often transferred titles in strange ways.
I've moved Saxe-Bearstein south of where Saxony is . . . and, after all, we're not being truly historical here. You can always assume that your ruling family acquired the land sometime in the past and moved their Hessian household to the new possession.
-- Jeff
After some pondering, I'm taking Jeff's suggestion and shifting Hesse-Engelburg. Let's place it in the large tract of land between Bremen, Padderborn, and the Ems River, without incorporating the three but pushing near each. Ober-Schweinsberg can of course come up to join it, and should probably tuck in at about the level of that deep left curve in the river that passes through Bremen just south of Hanover's latitude.
One should also remember Han-gover which participates on the side of Hesse-Seewald ... around "Hanover" and Hamburg ....
Where is Tipple-Bruder?
The question of Tipplebruder's location continues to be a mystery...
Regarding re-doing this mappe, I was not planning on it since the general consensus was against such a 'definitive' positioning.
However I am keen to try out the EiA map and re-work it so that the 'imagi-nations' are represented on it. Before that work starts though I think a definitive consensus must be gained regarding whom 'wants' to have such a map made?
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