Thursday, May 31, 2007

Letter to the Germanians, et al

Messieurs und Meinen Herren,
The Prince de Charade in his capacity and duty as the Foreign Minister of Gallia has the regrettable honor to inform all nation states, city states and otherwise within Germania from the Rhine to the Oder and from the Baltic to the Adriatic of these tidings.

A state of war continues to exist between the alliance of Gallia, Russi, Saxe-Raschstein and The Imperium versus the Hesse Seewald-Britannia League abetted by the warrior Marquis of Brandenburg. A solution to the ills of this continent so well known to you and in the New World will be found upon the fields of Mars. He also regrets to say this necessitates marches through some of your territories. Be assured, if you please, that allies or neutrals will not suffer the injuries of war so prevalent in your mid continental history especially of the the last century. Our actions shown to the people of Frankfurt Am Main and Koblenz are testaments to the truths of our respect and kindness to these regions. Indeed we contributed mightily to the defense of Bohemia a half year ago wherein lies Saxe-Bearstein. We also built a prodigious magazine at Frankfurt Am Main to be donated to the Frankfurters when the war ends will they surely will relish.

The Prince will be honored to receive diplomatic traffic and contributions from any state desiring to confirm its neutrality or its alliance with the raison de guerre de Gallia. There is no time for inveiglements or obfuscations now messieurs. I'l est temps pour l'guerre de Germania.

I have the great honour to be
Your very humble Servant
l'Comte de Rapprochement de Gallia
At Chateau Rapprochement near Versailles, Gallia
for l'Prince de Charade, the Gallian Foreign Minister and King Louis XV
with the kind approbation of the Imperium Empress, the Russi Empress and the King's brother in law Prinz Wilhelm von Saxe-Raschstein

Saxe-Bearstein Dilemma

There I was, all set to urge Furst Bruno V of the Principality of Saxe-Bearstein to ally with Hesse-Seewald against Gallia . . . then the bottom fell out . . . now I don't know what to do?

Those vile Stagonians are firmly in the Gallic camp (heck, even their uniforms ape those of France) . . . and Saxe-Bearstein seems to always be on the opposite side of Stagonia (after all, they are vile . . . most decidedly vile).

Then I read the OSW post wherein Alte Fritz recounted how Hesse-Seewald had invaded Bohemia last year and been driven back by the Imperium. Furthermore, they seem to be readying yet another invasion . . .

Bohemia is where Saxe-Bearstein is . . . in fact all of Bohemia is really Saxe-Bearstein. So what am I to urge my Prince to do? Ally with the nation that has further plans to invade us? Or join forces with that vile Stagonian, Graf Maurice von Hirschbock, and Gallia? (If we do that, the Graf will never let us live that down).

I'm stumped. I feel like Piedmont must have felt in the War of Spanish Succession earlier this century.

Hmmm, if only I could convince the vile Stagonians (and notice how "vile" seems to go so naturally with "Stagonians") to betray Gallia and support Hesse-Seewald . . . yes that would solve things.

I'm open to suggestions as to how to accomplish that.

-- Jeff of Saxe-Bearstein

Tuesday, May 29, 2007


like those great Greek pictures?

Who's Who ??

As we now have a map, I think we need a Who's Who of rulers. I don't mind being the collator. An entry would be:

Country Name: Ruler, titles, rulers spouse, short bio (optional).

HappyLand: King Jolly; Lord of the Standup, Keeper of the Joke Book; wife - Queen Giggles;

you can include your local aggressor states if you so desire

Allan (Wittenberg)

Monday, May 28, 2007

Growing Pains: Maps and Avatars

We now have 16 'Heads of State' participating in this blog . . . and we are experiencing a few 'growing pains'. What this means is that we need to be considerate of each other and to remember that this is all in fun.

No, no one has been nasty; nor do expect that. But we can do a couple of things to make life a bit easier.


One pertains to the 'bubble map' of our imaginary nations' locations. In some places, our nations severely overlap each other (particularly in the Hesse-Saxony area).

I shifted the position of my own Saxe-Bearstein from Saxony to Bohemia to reduce the crowding (and found that Bohemia actually fit my nation's imaginary history better).

If your nation is one of the one's being crowded, think about whether it could shift its 'map position' to a more open area. Alte Fritz's Hesse-Seewald has a long history in it's war with Gallia. He has noted that with every new 'bubble map' his country has gotten smaller.

Can you shift your country's position so as to return Hesse-Seewald to it's historic borders? They are:

"The northern boundary should include the mountainous area just to the south of the town of Brunswick. The eastern boundary should run along the Saale river line (from Jena to Halle to the Prussian border, just south of Magdeburg). The West boundary is the unnamed river that runs thru the "H" in Hesse Seewald, thru the "Z" in Schwarzburg, and thru the "U" in Engleburg. The southern border looks OK."

If you can see your way to shift the map position of your (after all) imaginary nation, it would be appreciated. Use 'comments' on the latest 'bubble map' post to advise of any positional corrections (so that they are all in one place).


Auston, Murdock, Poruchik, tidders and myself are all using 'avatars' -- those pictures that appear up in the corner of our comments. This makes realizing who wrote what a lot simpler.

I urge you to consider using an 'avatar' for yourself. I use a SYW-style flag (with a blue bear), other use pictures. Find an image you would like to use for yourself. Here's a link to the blogger instructions on how to add it:

Yes, I know that these aren't the clearest instructions ever -- and you don't have to use an avatar -- but it is kind of nice when you do.

That's all for now except to thank you all and encourage more diplomacy and intrigue . . . and to remind you all that we all appreciate comments on our posts (it gets our juices flowing).

-- Jeff of Saxe-Bearstein

Message to Hesse-Seewald

In the names of Their Graces, the Fürst and Fürst Guntram and Sieglinde Blauerwolf, I bid greetings unto the rulers and representatives of Hesse-Seewald. Having been advised of the relative positions of our fine states, I thought it my duty to contact your government forthwith and extend our formal greetings and open a dialogue upon regional issues.

Naturally, under our present circumstances a primary concern is the current conflict upon our southern border, into which we have been drawn by the flagrantly illegal and ungentlemanly actions of the Bad Nachtschwein League in sending mercenary troops to invade our soil and threaten our southern trade routes. In view of this heinous action and believing your own state to be upon a primary trade route of this merchant league, we humbly request that you would enter into agreement to halt the flow of product from Bad Nachtschwein through your territories until such time as the grievance has been redressed and peace concluded between our Principality and the representatives of the League.

In accompanyment of this message we have dispatched Colonel Freidrick von Heiner and a small caravan of the local produce, in particular goat cheese, goats milk, and goat's hair cloth, as well as samples of the fine coal and iron to be found in our mines. We are confident of our ability to establish a base of trade and goodwill with your fine country that can only assist in increasing the stability of the region.


Burgraf Heinrich von Waffenschmidt
Minister of State

To the Duke of Alzheim

My Dear Duke of Alzheim
On behalf of Bob the XXI of Re-constituted Byzantium, Protector of the Divine Mistress, I extend the sincerest and most heartfelt wishes to you and your subjects. Our Emperor trusts this letter finds you in good health.
We are travelling with a small retinue down the Oder River to the Elbe to Hamburg in search for Princesses for Emperor's Sons. In order to forge new alliances with Europe following the disreputable time in previous centuries when Europe looked upon us as heathens and sacked our capitol Constantinople. We do not look upon France with any favor whatsoever and would just as soon sack and burn Paris. So sorry for my musings you must forgive me for my revenge filled dreams.
We estimate arriving near the Alzheim border within the month.
Until we arrive
Your Servant
Ali Oli Oxenfrei
Grand Vizer
Beloved of the Moon Goddesses and Nanny to the Royal Horde

To Irwin-Amadeus II

My Dear Irwin-Amadeus II of the Grand Duchy of Stollen, und Udo Dirkschneider von Pfeffernuβe
Greetings and condolenceses on your Duchy's nobility.
Your courrier arrived just as we were breaking camp and our plans have changed taking your advice to try Hamburg for a Princess to marry one of our 12 sons. We have despatched an ambassador and company of Varangian Grenadier Guards, as well as several physicians, to your capitol to set up an embassy and trade factory in preparation for our supply fleet arrival in Riga prior to a riverfront landing in Krankenstadt.
We travel overland to the Oder River to purchase craft to take us down river to Hamburg. We understand that Silesia is a most restful country this time of year and we hope the sight of our rather large retinue of infantry, horse and guns does not frighten the population.
We shall stop and meet with the Duke of Alzheim and then stop in and see Frederick in Berlin, if he's not on the road. We shall send a representative ahead to Alzheim.
Good trading,
Adieu mon ami,
Elect of the Moon Godesses
Re-constituted Byzantium

Sunday, May 27, 2007

brand name franks

I don't how the rest of you might handle this problem,
but I'm sure that more than one of you has it! LOL
Okay, Frankszonia and Frankfurter are actually two different "realities."
The original, Frankszonia, came to be in the Society of Daisy ... a group of very whimsical, but also quite serious players. It was aimed at humor, often of a risque sort. If I can recall correctly, there are at least two other guys there running their own home "Frankfurter Wars" games. Also, there was somebody running the Barrel Wars (competition among brands of libations) who was based in Frankfurt (Otto made up a batch of flags of beer logos for him, and mistakenly put in my file, so I stole them gladly!!)
When Gallia's opening move overran Frankfurt Am Main, I wrote a humorous note to Bill Protz protesting his cavalier invasion. He and Alte Fritz were kind enough to invite me to continue to contribute sort of humor when I could and maybe even bring some figures to one of their grand games (a real dream, I hope). On the other hand, they needed me to tone down the more outrageous facets of Frankszonia a tad, and also their game needed Frankfurt to be much more "historical" (I say hysterical, but that's another line) because of places already in play.
So, I generated "Frankfurter" ... same time, same station, smaller signal :)
Now since Alte Fritz and Bill Protz have consented to join this blog (their contributions to wargaming are impressive, btw), I'm trying to restrict myself to "Frankfurter" entries.
But, on Walpurgis Nacht, when the viels between the worlds are thin ....

to the Duchy of Stollen

Greetings from the court of the Hertzhog Stanken Fahrtz

Your scribe apologizes that due to some intricacy among the various functionaries, I do not have the correct names and titles to hand, but the directions were to create a speedy response.
We are excited, of course, at any chance of economic communications and will more than gladly exchange goods and ambassadors.
The Brig. Hilligekine Brattmann, a promising young nobleman and his personal aides have been ordered to seek out your country with various pledges of good will and so forth.
We need to comment, however, that Frankfurter is presently occupied by Gallia, and thus perforce must be involved in the Hessian / Saxon theater. We are attempting to keep our own participation focused on primarily local concerns which will strengthen pan-German autonomy in the long run. Still, the Gallian officers presently posted to our territories are gallant gentleman and have honored diplomatic usages and safety to this point.
Therefore, we extend a Pass to you for your envoy should you decide to continue diplomatic communications.
Our Minister of Economy, Herr Cut-me-own-throat Dilbert has ordered the provisioning of a caravan of samples of our sausages in order to initiate trade. He is given to understand that "stolen" is a national specialty for you .... Hopefully, the Brigadier and the convoy will travel together and arrive in a timely fashion at your court.
Interim, we would like to extend an invitation to your fair, noble ladies to the forthcoming festivities celebrating the birth of the Urpprinz Honker. Among other things a costume party, called a masquerade fete, is being organized with the assistance of the notable Ladies Pettygree and Masquerade who have developed this entertainment form.
May you flourish and perspire ... uh ... prosper!

yr srvt. Gen. Rosenschnauz

Bubbles 'tighten-up'

Still more corrections and 'overlaps'

Grande Mappe version 5

This one has Frankzonia position corrected, some color changes and the inclusion of most of the opponents (that were listed).

I have included Mieczyslaw aggressor states of:

Altmorania: essentially a replacement of Prussia.
The Principality of Boyardvina: an important western part of the Russian Empire.
Hertzogh of Burtzenia: an Austrian flavored region located in Moravia.
The Khanate of Dobrudshiva: a northwestern peice of the Ottoman Empire.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

To: The Duchy of Alzheim and Frankzonia

My Dear Duke of Alzheim and Honourable Highness of Frankzonia,

On behalf of Irwin-Amadeus II of the Grand Duchy of Stollen, I extend the sincerest and most heartfelt wishes to you and your respective subjects. Our Grand Duke trusts this letter finds you both well, in good health, and enjoying equally favorable relations with your subjects.

In light of the troubling recent developments farther to the west in apocryphal 18th century Europe, our ministers feel the most urgent need to contact you with aim of strengthening the diplomatic and trade relations between our respective territories. The Grand Duchy of Stollen has no wish for war at the moment with any royal houses further a field. Indeed, we fear trouble is brewing closer to home, where the Electorate of Zichenau is concerned, right on our own doorstep. You may have heard of the recent suspected presence of Zichenauen agents, in fact high ranking military officers, from that country, in Stollen through the press or diplomatic circles.

Given the small size and unprepared nature of the Stollenian army, we feel it would be in our best interest to avoid war at this time. With that concern in mind, we would like to exchange ambassadors and, before too much time has elapsed in the coming summer months, merchant retinues with both Alzheim and Frankzonia.

Further, we would like to discuss the possibility of establishing a trade and customs union with your territories that might also eventually include the Duchy of Mieczyslaw and the Electorate of Vulgaria. Stollenian ministers feel that such a block of countries, linked in a loose diplomatic and trade confederation, would be much less likely to be drawn into a wider apocryphal European conflict between more prominent political players like Gallia and Hesse-Seewald.

Of course, we have no wish to borrow trouble. By the same token though, the Grand Duchy of Stollen wishes to avoid war with and possible occupation by another country, or, indeed, a group of allied countries. We trust you understand our concerns.

Please indicate at your earliest possible convenience your interest in establishing the diplomatic and trade ties we propose. In the meantime, I remain your most humble servant.

With Sincerest Regards,

Udo Dirkschneider von Pfeffernuβe

Foreign Minister for the Grand Duchy of Stollen

To: The Duchy of Mieczyslaw from The Grand Duchy of Stollen

My Dear Duke,

Thank you for your recent correspondence with Herr von Wilkowiczeske, who has referred the matter to me for more personal attention. Please do send an ambassador to our capital city of Krankenstadt at your earliest convenience with the merchants to follow later in the summer. In turn, representatives from our own Grand Duchy will do the same.

Since our winters can arrive early, and with some ferocity, we think it wise for any settlers, if they shall come from your Duchy, to begin making plans at once. It would be most ideal for those families to set out for the easternmost reaches of Stollen on or before the end of June this year, so that they are in place before mid-August and at work on dwellings and shelter for any stock they might bring with them for the establishment of their new farms before the onset of winter.

Typically, our first snowfall in Stollen occurs by mid-October. Please use this piece of information as a gauge for advising those families who plan to leave Mieczyslaw to set up residence in eastern Stollen along the Polish-Lithuanian frontier. We envision that there is room in the area for 150-175 families to set up farms based around half a dozen church parishes with the accompanying small villages that will, undoubtedly, grow up in time.

While Stollen officially adheres to the Protestant cause, we are of course open to settlers of the Orthodox or Catholic persuasions. Indeed, our Grand Duke Irwin-Amadeus II welcomes people of any faith, and we do have small Jewish, Calvinist, and Mennonite communities in the Grand Duchy of Stollen.

With the above in mind, may the Grand Duchy of Stollen send agents to your country forthwith to encourage emigration from Mieczyslaw to Stollen? Please indicate your wishes and concerns on the matter to me directly. I remain your humble servant.

Most Sincerely,

Udo Dirkschneider von Pfeffernuβe

Foreign Minister for the Grand Duchy of Stollen

To: The Electorate of Vulgaria from The Grand Duchy of Stollen

My Dear Prince Elector Donislav I,

Thank you for your recent correspondence with regard to the establishment of firmer diplomatic ties and trade relations between Vulgaria and the Grand Duchy of Stollen. I assure you, our interests are with the best intentions. Please do send an ambassador at the earliest possible convenience to our capital city of Krankenstadt with a trade retinue to follow a short while later. I will take it upon myself to see that your ambassador and his staff are settled into Stollenian society comfortably and amicably. Several large houses are currently open for purchase in the central part of the city, close to the workings of government and not far from the palace. With regard to any merchant families who you may send to Stollen, there are several fine homes currently available along the riverfront where most of our native and visiting merchants deal their wares. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to have one of your representatives contact me personally.

In the meantime, I remain your humble servant,

Udo Dirkschneider von Pfeffernuβe

Foreign Minister for the Grand Duchy of Stollen

To: Byzantium from the Grand Duchy of Stollen

My Dear Royal Highness Bob XXI,

Thank for the recent news of your intended travels through apocryphal 18th Century Europe. We trust that your representatives and retinue will meet with success, concerning your travel, trade, and diplomatic interests. The Grand Duchy of Stollen is most interested in establishing and maintaining healthy relations with Reconstituted Byzantium.

Unfortunately, we are unable to provide suggestions for a suitable match of an eligible young woman for your royal highness. The Grand Duke Irwin-Amadeus II has been beset by so many troubles that he and his wife of thirty years, the Princess Ragnhild-Gunnlaug von Nordin (a woman of rather difficult temperament) have not yet been able to produce an heir to the throne of Stollen, much less any daughters. The situation is complicated by the fact that our small aristocracy and landed gentry here in the Grand Duchy are, to put it delicately, rather insular. Some might use the term “navel gazing”. Their marriage interests for any daughters seem to lie closer to home, or at the very least, no further than Königsberg!

Even among our more prominent merchant families, the prevalent desire among parents seems to be for their daughters to marry into families farther to the west or, indeed, the north. Hamburg, Danzig, Visby, and Riga are four fertile areas for our husband-seeking families of the merchant class. So, locating a suitable match for your highness here in Stollen could prove difficult and time consuming. We are, however, not opposed to the idea of establishing blood ties with your fine territory through marriage. That eventuality is certainly not beyond the realm of possibility. It is simply an aim that might take a little time.

As for diplomatic relations, please do send an ambassador and retinue to our capital city Krankenstadt, where they will be shown every hospitality we have to offer. I remain your humble servant.

Most Sincerely,

Udo Dirkschneider von Pfeffernuβe

Foreign Minister for the Grand Duchy of Stollen

Alas, poor Frankfurter

Alas, poor Frankfurter

(please note: Frankfurter and Frankszonia are NOT the same ... Frankfurter is a relatively hysterical Frankfurt now occupied by Gallia but still theoretically sovereign, while Frankszonia is a somewhat larger state and more lugubrious state ...)

Amid the chaos of these times, we poor, small principalities seem to be destined to be plagued by swarms of alien warriors and brigands, despoiling our populace, stampeding our women folk, and raping our livestock. We ourselves are compelled to play host to foreign armies and to surrender our painfully gained material to them.
As such, it seems, we are powerless to extend any real assistance to our neighbors, though we are still able to provide excellent sausages and other supplies at reasonable prices (consult with the minister of trade: "Cut-me-own-throat Dibler).
Frankfurter, however, has determined to grasp the nettle and become a stabilizing force in the turbulence. As such, we are extending the benefits of good commercial guilds, communal protection, and access to the Gallian supply trade to the many miniscule little holdings which have long intruded into the obvious region of our responsibility.
The Hertzhog solomenly declares that this development is not imperialistic opportunism, but a genuine and generous patriotic decision to enhance the prestige and liberties of our fellow Deutsche autonomies ....
Meanwhile, however, we have a great blessing ... the Princess Stuftliana has delivered a healthy, sound lad, now proclaimed the Urpprinz Honker. A costume ball will be held sometime in the near future to celebrate this event ... we hope that it will be graced by some of the most illustrious Ladies of Europe ...

Le Comte d'Beauphaup

Pop in another Bubble!

Oops! I missed entering a spot for Frankszonia on the earlier maps.

Grande Mappe version 4

This one should be 'complete'?

Bubbles settling in...

Grande Mappe version 3

So here is yet another revision, this time with Alzheim corrected as described by Jeff, and Saxe-Bearstein changed position.

I have not put in all the 'enemies' states yet.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Lettre pour l'Duc de Broglie from Lt. Gen. Chevert now at Frankfurt Am Main

Monsieur l'Duc et General de Broglie at Koblenz, Germania,

I have the honor to say my suite arrived at our magazine at Frankfurt Am Main
this afternoon thus ending our journey from Versailles commenced almost a week
ago following the party at l'Prince de Charade's chateau of the 18th instant.
It was a great pleasure to see you and Duchess Broglie again and I am so very
comforted she found my Chevert wine so effervescent. I hope she believes it
compares somewhat favorably with the product from Champagne.

Tomorrow I shall meet every officer of battalion and squadron rank and above
to ascertain the status of their commands. From the look of the enlarged camp
and my first observations, the men appear well fed from the local stores of
sausages provided by the city and by our own trains of excellent Gallian food.
The horses of the cavalry are well found, energetic and alert. I am also very
grateful for the additional breastplates afforded by the King.

Of the foe there is no immediate news. Colonel Mirage forwarded a message from
the Fulda Gap indicating no Hesse-Seewaldt movements have been detected to the
east within fifty miles. He also has not observed any Britannian legerdemain
from the north, but we did not expect any this early in the season.

At the request of the court, Lady Masquerade with her particular friend Lady
Pettygree is to host a party for which the former lady is so famous. I am
honored to attend adding this duty to my schedule. Planning started even
before their arrival so as to not interfere with the march to the eastwards so
soon to commence. It will afford all the officers one last opportunity for
civilized entertainments before the first shots are fired.

Finally I am very pleased to say Prinz Wilhelm of Saxe-Raschstein, the King's
brother-in-law, will be en-route from The Imperium with the newly
reconstituted Rutowski Chevaulegers. I am led to believe these men are
particularly enraged or shall I say eager to come to grips with the Prussians
especially, who occupied their nation last autumn. I believe we will be able
to count on their sincerest attachment to our campaign to relieve Saxe-
Raschstein of all Prussian influence.

I have the honor to hope my letter finds you in good health as when we last
met and that all goes well with the main army at Koblenz as I am sure it must
under your command as I remain,

Votre Servituer,
Chevert, Lt. Gen de Gallia
Frankfurt Am Main

NEWSFLASH -- Major Map Correction

"It was all the fault of a drunken cartographer" is the official version released today by the Principality of Saxe-Bearstein.

The actual borders of Saxe-Bearstein are not at all what was drawn on maps. Indeed the Principality is much larger than previously indicated -- it, in fact, occupies that area once known as "Bohemia" instead of a tiny corner of Saxony.

That's right, Saxe-Bearstein is what was once known as "Bohemia".

If any further proof beyond the statement of Furst Bruno V of the the von Ursas is needed, please note that one of their premiere regiments is named von Urquell in honor of the family that brews Pilsner Urquell . . . and Pilsen is deep in western Saxe-Bearstein.

. . . .

(Okay, upon consideration of the amount of land needed to have the size of army I have planned, the over-crowded nature of that Saxony corner and the "history" and culture of Saxe-Bearstein, Bohemia seems a much better choice for my imaginary country's location.)

Jeff of New Saxe-Bearstein

Updated Position Summary

Fellow Rulers,

Here is a reprise of the earlier "position summary" that has been updated from various comments. (Note that I've used dark grey italics for our secondary nations.)
  • Altmorania -- (Mieczyslaw aggressor state) essentially Prussia.
  • Alzheim -- Alzheim holds a position with an outlet to the sea in the North, and a common border with Vulgaria to the south-east comprising a land frontier and a shared (rather large) lake. Alzheim also holds a small territory in northern Italy of which Augustus II Rex is King.
  • Boyardvina -- (Mieczyslaw aggressor state) western Russia.
  • Burtzenia -- (Mieczyslaw aggressor state) Monrovia.
  • Byzantium -- would be the 'Old' Byzantine Empire on this planet, taking up portions of Southern Bulgaria, Northern Greece, and all of Turkey to a line running SE from Trabzon to about Aleppo then to the Med.
  • Dobrudshiva -- (Mieczyslaw aggressor state) northern Ottoman Empire.
  • Fenwick -- (neighbor of Wittenberg) north of Wittenberg.
  • Frankszonia -- centered on Frankfurt on Main, see map & description on blog.
  • Gallia -- equivalent to France
  • Hesse-Engleburg -- somewhere in the Hessian area, just north of Ober-Schweinsberg.
  • Hesse-Fedora -- Hesse-Fill-in-the-blank is on or about the Rhine, so generally west of all those little Saxe-Whatsits.
  • Hesse-Homburg -- (enemy of Hesse-Fedora) next to Hesse-Fedora but otherwise undefined.
  • Hesse-Limburger -- (neighbor of Wittenberg) south of Wittenberg.
  • Hesse-Seewald -- Hesse-Seewald is the area on your 1740 map that lies between Hesse Kassel and Saxony (roughly around the letter "H" for "The Empire" on your map, which points like a dagger into Saxony). West border is the Weser River near the town of Munden; north border is the Harz Mountains, the south border extends down to the Fulda Gap and Fulda; the east border is the area around Gotha, which was recently acquired when the Herzog of Saxe Gotha died and his daughter married the Erbprinz of Hesse Seewald. (Saxe-Weimar is sister-state.) See notes about Hesse-Seewald in the [Old School Wargaming] Files folder labeled "Wars of the Saxon Duchies".
  • Mieczyslaw -- north-east of Bohemia with a 'spur' extending to the east of Bohemia to a point somewhere south alongside Transylvania. The northern edge is along the Baltic coast and there is a port there at an imaginary river delta of the Brass River. overlap much of Poland and intersect with Lithuania and parts of the Duchy of Prussia. This would make parts of Mieczyslaw coterminus with bits of Stollen.
  • North -- ? (presumably Scandinavian) inspired by Sweden, but exact location undetermined at present.
  • Ober-Schweinsberg -- (enemy of Hesse-Engleburg) south of Hesse-Engleburg.
  • Saxe-Bearstein -- same as Bohemia.
  • Saxe-Huack -- occupying the same area as the modern state of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
  • Saxe-Jarlsberg -- (neighbor of Wittenberg) south of Wittenberg.
  • Saxe-Raschstein -- (ally of Gallia) the area of Saxony.
  • Saxe-Weimar -- sister state of Saxe-Weimar effectively extends the borders to the Saale River to the east. It's a rather large state, quite capable of fielding an army on par with that of Hanover.
  • Scandalusia -- ? (presumably Spain) somewhere on the Iberian peninsula.
  • Stagonia -- (enemy of Saxe-Bearstein) immediately west of Saxe-Bearstein; essentially Eastern Franconia. On 1740 map, gold area between 'P' and 'I' and below 'H'.
  • Stollen -- northeast of Frederick's Prussia, occupying roughly 1000 square miles or so of territory between eastern Prussia, Courland, and Poland (before the partitions). No outlet to the sea, though the Greater and Lesser Zwishen rivers flow northwest in the direct of The Gulf of Riga. No mountains, but plenty of sandy hills, lakes, pasture and pine/birch/aspen/alder forrest. Fairly typical "Baltic" landscape and climate -- short summers, COLD winters. On the map, go to the "LA" in Kurland and then directly south the latitude of 55 degrees North , adjacent to frontier of eastern Prussia. That is approximately where Stollen and Zichenau can be found -- more or less. They and their tiny, contentious petty principalities are surrounded by Prussia, Poland, and Kurland -- mosty the latter two. Stollen and Zichenau don't occupy enough territory to butt up against Russia as reported previously.
  • Uber Gruntshuffen -- in the area of Wurzburg; Bordered along the south by Unter Gruntshuffen - a smaller but vilanous state.
  • Unter Gruntshuffen -- (enemy of Uber Gruntshuffen) south of Uber Gruntshuffen.
  • Vulgaria -- somewhere between Russian, Austria, Prussia and the Ottoman Empires; hasa common border with Alzheim near a fairly large lake. Vulgaria is probably in the Carpathian and Transalvannian Mts. but totally land locked. Vulgaria lives in the world roughly in the area of 45'40" and 45'75" Latitude and 20'75" and 25'25" Longitude. The country is shaped like an upside down comma with the tail running along the Carpathians and the round bit anchored in the north of Transylvania. Wedged firmly between Moldavia, Podolia, Galica, Transylvania and Hungary
  • Wittenberg -- about where Bavaria is - sort of the same size, to the west is Monrovia (next to France)(fits in with Austria/France/Prussia forcing the peace of Witzend). Duchy of Fenwick is to the north (about a quarter the size of Wittenberg), to the south are Hesse-Limburger and Saxe-Jarlsberg (each about an eighth the size of Wittenberg)
  • Zichenau -- (enemy of Stollen) near Stollen, an equally tiny state that butts up against Stollen's southern and southwestern frontiers, sort of between Poland, Prussia, and Stollen. The very minor territories Pillau-Reuss, Pillau-Zerbst, Tauroggen-Fiebus, Zeller-Schwarzekatz, and Werben-Steinau ring Stollen on its western and Norther borders. These petty (in every sense of the word) states are very small, in some cases only a few miles across.
Please forgive me for any unintentional errors I may have made. Please note anything that needs further correction.

-- Jeff of Saxe-Bearstein

Sorting out the bubbles...

Grande Mappe version 2!

Corrections for Vulgaria and Ober-Schweinsberg has been entered.

p.s. for those whom do not see the map right away, I have to post, then edit in any pictures from my system into blogger right now.

In Response to the Grand Duchy of Stollen

Hans Karl von Wilkowiczeske,

The Electorate of Vulgaria welcomes the exchange of Ambassadors during these times of turmoil. There appears to be a major movement toward crises in the West that is at best confounding and absolutely perplexing. It is at times like these that civilized Nations should become friends!

Vulgaria is willing to extend the hand of friendship with two caveats; As the Empires of Maria-Theresa and Elizabeth march so marches the Army of Vulgaria, Betrayals of our friendship will be considered an act of war and will be retaliated against most severely.

I await your response in earnest anticipation of a new friendship with all that it conveys.

Byr Levrenti Beria

For the Elector Vleg Donislov I of Vulgaria

Where it's at! There's no turntables or microphones!

Now with the help of the many published maps I can reveal the exact????? location of the Electorate of Vulgaria! Well except for that whole wormhole lake border with Alzheim-but hey we are making this stuff up! Vulgaria lives in the world roughly in the area of 45'40" and 45'75" Latitude and 20'75" and 25'25" Longitude. The country is shaped like an upside down comma with the tail running along the Carpathians and the round bit anchored in the north of Transylvania.

They are primarily a Slavic people considered too difficult or poor to conquer by the Magyar's when they moved into Europe. Massive German migrations during earlier centuries have clearly made their mark in the Government and Military, as well as the efficient merchant class.

So come, book your vacations and come to Vulgaria; where the roasted pig is sweet and tender and the wine plentiful! But don't bring your army, as our good friends are the Empress Maria-Theresa and the Czarina Elizabeth!

Hesse-Engelburg Declares War on Bad Nachtschwein League!

While the Principality of Hesse-Engelburg has to this point maintained neutrality in the Ober-Schweinsberg civil war, Their Graces have today issued a declaration that a state of war exists with the Bad Nachtschwein League. The decision was made after careful questioning of prisoners from the Battle of Hirschtal finally established that the two musketeer battalions involved in the battle were mercenary units in the employ of the Bad Nachtschwein League. It is believed that the League was attempting to secure control of the southern trade routes as it the League is driven primarily by merchant interests. Their Graces have further requested that all surrounding nations join them in a trade embargo against all Bad Nachtschwein goods in light of the League's unwarranted and illegal attempt to invade Engelburg territory and disrupt trade.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

To the Grand Duchy of Stollen

Hans Karl von Wilkowiczeske,

Please do send your emmissaries to Mieczyslaw as we are also concerned about the unknown actions developing to the west.

The szlachta Diet will not be in session over the summer, though the speaker and the Duke's court will be ready to engage in talks over our common concerns.

Bubbles blown up?

Something of a 'bubble' map was thought of.

I was certain that many of our imaginary places overlapped each other.

I have found a different (more detailed) map of central Europe that I have used a graphic program to put suitable 'blobs' of colour representing our various places.

To the Duchy of Mieczyslaw and the Electorate of Vulgaria

My Dearest Duke of Mieczyslaw and Prince Elector of Vulgaria,

I trust my letter finds you and your fine countries in good stead. I am writing on behalf of our Grand Duke, Irwin-Amadeus II, who has recently been incapacitated by developments beyond his control. As a senior cabinet member for the Grand Duchy of Stollen, my colleagues have asked me to draft this communiqué to you both.

It is our deepest wish to establish firmer trade and diplomatic relations between our own Grand Duchy of Stollen, the Duchy of Miezyslaw, and the Electorate of Vulgaria as soon as possible. Recent events across apochryphal 18th century Europe suggest to us that closer ties between our respective countries are prudent. While we have no wish to seem alarmist, a firmer military and political alliance against expansionist tendencies eastward by our neighbors to the west and south seems entirely necessary at this time.

Following much debate in recent days here in the Stollenian parliament, it is our considered opinion that neither Hesse-Seewald, nor Gallia can be trusted entirely -- nor can the smaller entities currently allying themselves to the either of those two states. We are, in addition, particularly troubled by the unstable situation in the Electorate of Zichenau to our south and the apparent recent presence of that country's officer, the notorious French mercenary General Phillip de Latt
é, in our capital Krankenstadt. Despite assurances and words to the contrary from various representatives in the fictitious European press, the current diplomatic scene seems rather dark to say the least.

With this in mind, we are dispatching emissaries to your capitals at once, to begin discussing the possibilities of closer ties between our countries. Should Miezcyslaw and Vulgaria be open to this possibility, and should the associated talks prove conducive to further dialogue, it is our wish to set up embassies and also arrange for improved trade, by establishing representatives of our most prominent merchant families in your capital cities and larger towns. In return, we are prepared to offer you both similar arrangements in the Grand Duchy of Stollen.

As a sign of our good will, we are prepared, in the name of our Grand Duke Irwin-Amadeus II, to invite settlers from your countries to establish residence and farms as early as this summer in the sparsely populated, eastern most reaches of Stollen, along the frontier with Poland-Lithuania.

We await your reply and are hopeful that you will find our proposal amenable to your own wishes.

With Sincere Regards,

Hans Karl von Wilkowiczeske

East of the Sun and West of the Moon. . .


Thanks to Greg Horne's addition of that wonderful Europe 1740 map (that's Greg Horne from Australia, NOT New Zeland as I mistakenly attributed somewhere online a few weeks ago!), I've been able to pinpoint the ground occupied by the Grand Duchy of Stollen and its immediate neighbors.

On the map, go to the "LA" in Kurland and then directly south the latitude of 55 degrees North , adjacent to frontier of eastern Prussia. That is approximately where Stollen and Zichenau can be found -- more or less. They and their tiny, contentious petty principalities are surrounded by Prussia, Poland, and Kurland -- mosty the latter two.

Stollen and Zichenau don't occupy enough territory to butt up against Russia as reported previously. I imagine Meiczyslaw and Vulgaria figure in here somewhere, so it looks like Irwin Amadeus II, or rather his ministers, will have to dispatch emisaries and, hopefully, be able to set up friendly relations with, and establish embassies within, these two neighboring states. It would be the prudent thing to do. ;-)

Country Size

I'm taking this from a note in the comment thread to a separate post of its own. What size in square miles do you consider your state to be? Approximate or exact, either way.

I was originally using the system from Henry Hyde's Battlegames article for creating Hesse-Engelburg, but used the same number of squares on my grid for it as he used for both of his fictional countries. Calculating it out based on his 5 miles to a hex and 5 hexes wide and high per grid square, my 10x7 grid at 25 miles per side on the squares would come out to 43,750 square miles. That's obviously huge, and I think would swallow all of the Hesse states and half of Saxony or more. :> So I did some recalculating. If I reduce it to 15 miles per side instead of 25, that gives 15,750 square miles. About half again as big as hanover. Reduce it to 12 miles a side and you have 10,080. At 10 miles per side it's 7000, which is just slightly larger than Hesse-Kassel.

I suppose my biggest dither is...should I make it fit into the map of "real Europe", in a corner of the Hessian region? It's going to gobble land from some real nation no matter where I put it. Or do I simply let it be larger, realizing that by the time we throw in all our states we'll have gobbled up 2/3 of Europe anyway?

I see the Bishopric of Uber Gruntshuffen is 10,220 square miles. How about the rest of you?

Map of Europe c.1740

Something to be starting with, methinks.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Position Summary


Continuing from the last post, here is a summary of the positions (or lack thereof) of our imaginary nations. Lacking however are the names and positions of some of our "secondary" (and often enemy) states (such as my own Stagonia).

Please use comments to complete, correct and update these approximate imaginary positions. (Note that I've used dark grey italics for our secondary nations.)
  • Alzheim -- Alzheim holds a position with an outlet to the sea in the North, and a common border with Vulgaria to the south-east comprising a land frontier and a shared (rather large) lake. Alzheim also holds a small territory in northern Italy of which Augustus II Rex is King.
  • Byzantium -- would be the 'Old' Byzantine Empire on this planet, taking up portions of Southern Bulgaria, Northern Greece, and all of Turkey to a line running SE from Trabzon to about Aleppo then to the Med.
  • Fenwick -- (neighbor of Wittenberg) north of Wittenberg.
  • Frankszonia -- centered on Frankfurt on Main, see map & description on blog.
  • Gallia -- equivalent to France
  • Hesse-Engleburg -- somewhere in the Hessian area, just north of Ober-Schweinsberg.
  • Hesse-Fedora -- Hesse-Fill-in-the-blank is on or about the Rhine, so generally west of all those little Saxe-Whatsits.
  • Hesse-Homburg -- (enemy of Hesse-Fedora) next to Hesse-Fedora but otherwise undefined.
  • Hesse-Limburger -- (neighbor of Wittenberg) south of Wittenberg.
  • Hesse-Seewald -- Hesse-Seewald is the area on your 1740 map that lies between Hesse Kassel and Saxony (roughly around the letter "H" for "The Empire" on your map, which points like a dagger into Saxony). West border is the Weser River near the town of Munden; north border is the Harz Mountains, the south border extends down to the Fulda Gap and Fulda; the east border is the area around Gotha, which was recently acquired when the Herzog of Saxe Gotha died and his daughter married the Erbprinz of Hesse Seewald. (Saxe-Weimar is sister-state.) See notes about Hesse-Seewald in the [Old School Wargaming] Files folder labeled "Wars of the Saxon Duchies".
  • Mieczyslaw -- north-east of Bohemia with a 'spur' extending to the east of Bohemia to a point somewhere south alongside Transylvania. The northern edge is along the Baltic coast and there is a port there at an imaginary river delta of the Brass River. overlap much of Poland and intersect with Lithuania and parts of the Duchy of Prussia. This would make parts of Mieczyslaw coterminus with bits of Stollen.
  • North -- ? (presumably Scandinavian) inspired by Sweden, but exact location undetermined at present.
  • Ober-Schweinsberg -- (enemy of Hesse-Engleburg) south of Hesse-Engleburg.
  • Saxe-Bearstein -- Same as Bohemia.
  • Saxe-Huack -- occupying the same area as the modern state of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
  • Saxe-Jarlsberg -- (neighbor of Wittenberg) south of Wittenberg.
  • Saxe-Weimar -- sister state of Saxe-Weimar effectively extends the borders to the Saale River to the east. It's a rather large state, quite capable of fielding an army on par with that of Hanover.
  • Scandalusia -- ? (presumably Spain) somewhere on the Iberian peninsula.
  • Stagonia -- (enemy of Saxe-Bearstein) immediately west of Saxe-Bearstein; essentially Eastern Franconia. On 1740 map, gold area between 'P' and 'I' and below 'H'.
  • Stollen -- northeast of Frederick's Prussia, occupying roughly 1000 square miles or so of territory between eastern Prussia, Courland, and Poland (before the partitions). No outlet to the sea, though the Greater and Lesser Zwishen rivers flow northwest in the direct of The Gulf of Riga. No mountains, but plenty of sandy hills, lakes, pasture and pine/birch/aspen/alder forrest. Fairly typical "Baltic" landscape and climate -- short summers, COLD winters. On the map, go to the "LA" in Kurland and then directly south the latitude of 55 degrees North , adjacent to frontier of eastern Prussia. That is approximately where Stollen and Zichenau can be found -- more or less. They and their tiny, contentious petty principalities are surrounded by Prussia, Poland, and Kurland -- mosty the latter two. Stollen and Zichenau don't occupy enough territory to butt up against Russia as reported previously.
  • Uber Gruntshuffen -- in the area of Wurzburg; Bordered along the south by Unter Gruntshuffen - a smaller but vilanous state.
  • Unter Gruntshuffen -- (enemy of Uber Gruntshuffen) south of Uber Gruntshuffen.
  • Vulgaria -- somewhere between Russian, Austria, Prussia and the Ottoman Empires; hasa common border with Alzheim near a fairly large lake. Vulgaria is probably in the Carpathian and Transalvannian Mts. but totally land locked. Vulgaria lives in the world roughly in the area of 45'40" and 45'75" Latitude and 20'75" and 25'25" Longitude. The country is shaped like an upside down comma with the tail running along the Carpathians and the round bit anchored in the north of Transylvania. Wedged firmly between Moldavia, Podolia, Galica, Transylvania and Hungary
  • Wittenberg -- about where Bavaria is - sort of the same size, to the west is Monrovia (next to France)(fits in with Austria/France/Prussia forcing the peace of Witzend). Duchy of Fenwick is to the north (about a quarter the size of Wittenberg), to the south are Hesse-Limburger and Saxe-Jarlsberg (each about an eighth the size of Wittenberg)
  • Zichenau -- (enemy of Stollen) near Stollen, an equally tiny state that butts up against Stollen's southern and southwestern frontiers, sort of between Poland, Prussia, and Stollen. The very minor territories Pillau-Reuss, Pillau-Zerbst, Tauroggen-Fiebus, Zeller-Schwarzekatz, and Werben-Steinau ring Stollen on its western and Norther borders. These petty (in every sense of the word) states are very small, in some cases only a few miles across.
That's what I've gleaned so far, Gentlemen, Please forgive me for any errors I've made. Please use comments to "fill in the blanks" and add states that I've missed.

-- Jeff of Saxe-Bearstein

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Small break in transmission...


Just to drop out of character for a moment, I'm really, really thinking that we need a map here; even a rough one would be better than none.

What do you all say?

I'm more than willing to be cartographer.

If you think we could proceed, please drop a comment as to where you think your statelet sits in relation to the others.

For myself, I feel that for the purpose of this exercise Alzheim holds a position not unlike that to Alsace, with an outlet to the sea in the North, and a common border with Vulgaria to the south-east comprising a land frontier and a shared (rather large) lake.

Alzheim also holds a small territory in northern Italy of which Augustus II Rex is King - hence his title. He is merely the Kurfurst of Alzheim.

Where are you all?

All the best,

(aka A2R, KiA)

Monday, May 21, 2007

Poruchik, Beria and the Elector meet!

In the highest room of the castle in Schweingrad the Elector Donislov I sits, with his Chief of Diplomacy Levrenti Beria, in front of roaring fire; wine, cheese, sausages and a chess board adorn the table.

A Grenadier announces from the portal to the room; “Major Poruchik and escort sire!”

“Yes, yes send him in!” replies the Elector, and to a figure at the side, “Another plate and glass for my friend the Major.”

The command to send in Major Poruchik was a small formality and unnecessary as the Major has free access to all chambers in Schweingrad; such is the authority of the Intelligence Officer and the trust the Elector places in him.

“Sire, I bring news from our Northern border.” announces Poruchik. To his right and slightly behind him stands a young officer from the Hosok Tere Hussars.

“A man of yours Poruchik?” queries Beria, nodding towards the Hussar Officer.

“A man of the Electors and trusted by me!” replies Poruchik.

“Stop you two, I’ve had one too many glasses of wine to negotiate new settlements between Intelligence and Diplomacy tonight.” commands the Elector. Major Poruchik nods his acceptance of the Electors command.

"I had only thought to establish the Officers credentials Sire.” offers Beria.

“Oh I know what you thought to establish Beria, and if you two are unable to find a way to coexist in Schweingrad, I shall send you to the Empress in St Petersburg and Poruchik to the Empress in Vienna! A fine pair of play things you two would be also!” the Elector retorted.

“Now have a seat Major and tell me what this is about.” The Elector motioned to an empty seat, between him and Beria, now set with glass and plate. Poruchik sat and the Hussar took a spot again just behind and to his right at attention; conspicuously between the Major and Beria.

“We have a report of an Alzheim encroachment on the plateau overlooking our shared lake.” stated Poruchik, allowing a moment for the weight of that statement to be felt before continuing. “Our patrol is in contact with an unknown number of Alzheimers on the plateau. In fact young von Stahl believes this to be an invasion.”

“What do you think Major?” asked the Elector.

“Von Stahl has shown excellent tactical ability; however, he can be a bit rash at times. I selected him for this operation in hopes that he will continue to mature as an Officer in the Army of Vulgaria. Initial reports from our men assigned with him suggest that he is positively developing in the field as a commander.

Those same men were able to forward information regarding this new incident to our young Hussar Officer here, fortuitously in the area on leave. As a result of analyzing that information and questioning this young man I’m not convinced that this incident is an invasion.” replied the Major.

“Did you see any signs of an invasion young man?” asked the Elector of the Hussar Officer.

“No Sire, the road between Schweingrad and the lake are completely clear as is the surrounding area.” responded the officer.

“How fortuitous indeed that he happened to be home on leave in this very area of operation at this very moment in time, eh?” insinuated Beria.

“This young Officer is to be commended Sire, he encountered a patrol of our irregular horsemen in the area and commanded them to ride to the plateau to investigate and report back to Schweingrad their findings. I expect that we will have additional news within the day.” added Poruchik.

The Elector picked up his wine stating; “Well done son! See that he is rewarded Major; perhaps a promotion!”

“I certainly will Sire.” Responded Poruchik, and turning to address the Hussar, “You are dismissed; however, wait for me at my headquarters.”

The Hussar saluted and left with the hint of a smile on his face.

After the Hussar had left, Beria asked Poruchik; “What does this mean? I have just sent a delegation to Alzheim and they were accepted. We have had less then satisfactory relations with the Alzheimers over the last few hundred years! Everything was beginning to look better. Should I recall our people from the road?”

“The Duchy has been heavily fishing the lake and naturally we thought it was in anticipation of a new campaign against us. The mission to the lake was to more closely observe this behavior all under the auspices of some non-existent poaching. We have verified that they are taking fish, but not in numbers that are overly alarming.

Bear in mind that the whole continent is ripe for war. We ourselves have begun to store grain, pickled vegetables and smoked meats in anticipation of the event. There are multiple problems with many of the smaller states and the major Empires are actively looking for a spark to move our world into the chaos that is War!

I suspect that what is occurring on the plateau is outside of the plans of Augustus Rex or any of his ministers. There appear to be no signs at the moment of an invasion only an incursion. We don’t know the scope of the thing yet although we should shortly.

I would recommend mobilizing a couple of squadrons of Hussars and sending them to the lake with a section of Artillery. The official reason can be to celebrate the promotion of our young messenger to his Captaincy. If nothing is amiss when they get to the village of Hosok Tere they can fire a few celebratory salvoes over the lake and return.

At the same time we should send a messenger to St Petersburg to enquire about moving up the planned exercise to our south with the Czarina’s forces. This will cement our dedication to St Petersburg and it is a good time to have a few regiments of Russe bivouacked with us.

We should send a few additional staff with specialized talents to the Court in Vienna. And we must absolutely try to maintain good relations with our neighbors north of the lake. Beria keep your delegation moving to the Alzheims Capitol and when they arrive have them invite a similar delegation to visit with us.” replied Poruchik.

“What if you are wrong Major?” asked the Elector.

“If I’m wrong then there will be war with Alzheim. Vulgaria as well as the Duchy will be gobbled up by the Russe or the Empire or Germania, our larger neighbors, in their desire to be at each other and you Sire may have my head on a pike at the approaches to your castle.” confidently replied Poruchik.

“I like the sound of that!” quickly added Beria.

“Stop! There will be no heads on pikes, you are my son’s dearest friend and I consider you a part of my family Major.” inserted the Elector with a stern look at his Chief of Diplomacy.

“Sire, Vulgaria does not have a monopoly of rash young men; I'm sure Alzheim has her share also. Rash young men can be used to drive countries apart or together. There has been peace between Vulgaria and Alzheim since 1720. Let us wait and see what the next few days bring.” offered Poruchik.

“Sound advice, my faith is not misplaced, do as is required Major!” commanded the Elector.

“Sire, Beria, if you will excuse me, I need to prepare our newly appointed Captain for a trip to St Petersburg.” replied Major Poruchik as he got up and left the room.

“Are you sure of the Major Sire, he has ‘people’ it would seem everywhere?” whined Beria after Poruchik had left.

“Please, my friend, we have been together a long time, there is room in my staff for both of you and your fine skills. Now let us enjoy another glass of wine and a game of chess before the evening gets too old.” insisted Donislov.

Dispatch to the Grand Duke of Stollen

My Dear Grand Duke
A joyous and grand felicitation.
My retinue and I are now only about 30 days march from your fair capitol, being now in Krakow staying at the local South of the Border Inn. Having had my diplomats report back we understand that there are a number of fair maidens available for marriage, we are looking for a new wife to take back to the Re-constituted Byzantium and to remain in friendship with Stollen thereafter. A month ago a fleet with supplies was sent to a port nearest you so that my retinue does not over stay our welcome in your fair country. We have been collecting horses along the route from Constantinople our entire retinue is now mounted. We have sent to Russia to purchase hay and grain that will soon be delivered in our name to your fair capitol and our engineers will be constructing a magazine for it in a place of your choosing when they arrive with our supplies.
We have sent to Vienna for a supply of Danish (or as the Danes say Vienna Bread) to enjoy with our captured Turkish Coffee.
We look forward to meeting with you to discuss an alliance and marriage.
Protector of the Divine Mistress
Bob XXI of Re-constituted Byzantium

Sunday, May 20, 2007

A Faux Versailles - Somewhere in Alzheim

"Diplomacy, Bauer." His Majesty the King in Alzheim fiddled delicately with the inner workings of a lock.

"Your Majesty?"

"It's an exciting game, you know. "


"The most exciting game of all. Better even than vingt-et-un. I learned a lot from our little go-round with the Persian Ambassador the other day. Him and his wretched cumquats. I was sick for an hour after eating them."

"Whatever have you done?"

"What was that?"

"Err, It sounds like a lot of fun."

"Oh, it is. Fun galore! Why just the other day I refused to recognise the independence of one of those little hat states!"


"That's the one! A-a-a-nd I've set us at odds with all our neighbours! It's jolly fun. Oh, and I'm putting out peace-feelers to our oldest enemy."

"The Vulgarians?"

"Yes! But it'll probably come to naught.

"We'll be completely isolated Your Highness."

"Ahhh, splendid isolation.

"Buck up lad! You've gone all green, Bauer. You need an iron constitution like mine to play a hand at this game, oh, my word, yes! Sit up straight, you're spilling your tea. That's English tea that is. Good and strong."

Tongues Wag Concerning the Whereabouts of General Phillip de Latté

Unconfirmed reports this morning suggest that enemy agents from the Electorate of Zichenau are at work here in the Grand Duchy of Stollen’s capital city, Krankenstadt. Details remain sketchy, but more information continues to emerge by the hour as Stollenian ministers race to gather all of the facts.

During maneuvers yesterday by the Leib Grenadiers, several high ranking Stollenian officers reported spotting three well-known officers from the Electorate of Zichenau in the crowd. The three were conspicuously dressed in dark cloaks despite the warm, sunny spring weather in this little corner of imaginary 18th century Europe. Among the throngs of Stollenian citizens enjoying the review of their newly uniformed troops, were spotted individuals widely thought to be the mercenary General Phillip de Latté along with his two subordinate officers Quintus Albertus Supercilius von Lickschpittel and Anders Gedacht von Glühwein.

If the identities of these men are correct, their presence in Stollen can only be construed as an audacious mission to ascertain the fighting capabilities and readiness of our Grand Duke’s army. The situation is particularly troubling since de Latté, at one time betrothed to neighboring Pillau-Zerbst’s Princess Valerie, is known to have close ties with both France and Gallia. For his part, Irwin-Amadeus II has not issued a comment yet, though he was sighted early today, taking his usual morning constitutional, dressed once again in his lobster costume, but minus one of the claws.

In any case, how do these events bode for the Grand Duchy of Stollen? Perhaps we have little to worry about given our peripheral location to the events currently unfolding in Central Germany. Stollen is, after all, located outside the Holy Roman Empire, to the northeast of King Frederick’s Prussia and sandwiched between Russia, Poland, and Courland on the other three sides. We are a small territory with an equally small army at the moment. Certainly, then, there would be little to gain for other countries by embroiling the Grand Duchy of Stollen in a general European conflict.

On the other hand, there are those in Stollen’s government who say quietly that it is only a matter of time before war becomes an issue between Stollen and Zichenau, the latter backed by money and troops from France and Gallia. Exactly when and if that happens is a matter of some speculation among our ministers and generals. But the consensus today seems to indicate that we could be at war by mid-autumn if the recent turn of events in apocryphal Europe does not change.

Katrina-Bettina von Heffelfinger

Der Krankenstadt Tageblat

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Hesse-Fedora thanks its neighbors


Landgraf Bogey has authorized me to respond quickly to any offers of recognition, as we all know that the time it takes to send a message to Hesse-Fedora and back would generate intolerable delays.

The Landgraviate graciously accepts the recognition of Hesse-Engelburg and Saxe-Huack. Using his extensive contacts with the Screen Actors Guild, the Landgraf has convinced many of the landgraviate’s finest to “play their part” on the country’s behalf. Although my information may be dated, I believe it is Landgraf Bogey's intention to despatch Freiherr Barton MacLane to represent us with Hesse-Engelburg, and Freiherr Raymond Massey to Saxe-Huack. Both gentlemen will be gazetted as full Colonels upon their reception by the respective courts.

To His Highness the Elector of Vulgaria, we would hope that Mr. Beria will convey our sincere apologies. Having been brought up within the fold of the Reich, we myopically consider the Lady of Vienna to be THE Empress, with no intended affront to the Grand Lady of St. Petersburg.

Of course, Major Andrzej, szlachta of the Duchy of Mieczyslaw will be welcome in Hesse-Fedora. The current manuevers are, in our opinion, only intended to frighten Landgraf Bogey, but he will not be. We find the idea of open warfare between Germania and the Imperium unlikely over our small principality, especially with the real problems caused by Gallian meddling in Germanian affairs such as the current unpleasantness in Ober-Schweinsberg.

However, in order to best be prepared, the Germanian units in Hesse-Fedora have moved into the area know as "The Garage" and begun practicing the evolutions of the latest BAR doctrine.

Graf von Lorre

Feldkamp Gala Invitations

If you feel that some gentleman or lady of your populace, whether of noble birth or not, might have reason to have been invited to the Feldkamp Gala (perhaps service alongside him on the Austrian borders as a mercenary in past years), drop me a line and we'll see if there is information of interest to be garnered.

Rumor has it that much of Hesse-Engelburg's knowledge of events comes from information passed at the Galas. Of course, the peasants will say anything, after all.

Mieczyslaw responds to whispers of war

Major Andrzej, szlachta of the Duchy of Mieczyslaw, has been dispatched with a small number of troops and messengers to learn of the actions reported in Hesse-Homburg.

The intention is to learn the truth of the rumors of the Empress' banners being flown.

The reason for the troop movements.

Connect with other leaders and military officers in the region.

Vulgarian Travelers on the Road!

In an effort to bring stability to a deteriorating situation between The Duchy of Alzheim and The Electorate of Vulgaria, the Elector has dispatched his master of diplomacy Boyar Boris Basenov and his companion Natasha Lethale. They are traveling with a small escort of Hosok Tere Hussars, letters of introduction and various Vulgarian wines, smoked pork and clocks; lots of clocks. These are all intended as gifts for the assembled court in Alzheim.

The Elector has also dispatched Major Hohenschweingau with a small escort of the von Hause Dragoons as a military advisor to His Excellency the Landgraf Bogey von Hesse-Fedora. Regrettably Ambassadors and formal recognition are not possible at this moment. The Electorate of Vulgaria enjoys excellent relationships with two powerful Empresses and Hesse-Fedora’s adversarial Empress has not been named.

Byr Lavrenti Beria
Chief of Diplomacy
Schweingrad VU

The Huack Freipresse: Letter of Recognition of Hesse-Fedora

Fortenbras Palace, HUACK (FP): The Right Honorable Lord Alexander von Jagow, Foreign Minister of the Duchy of Saxe-Huack has sent Herr Fredrick von Diekirch, second son of the Baron of Diekirch, to the Landgraviate of Hesse-Fedora with letters of introduction as ambassador and to offer formal recognition of the Landgraviate.

In other news local farmer Herr Gunter Ziggen has won the Blue Ribbon at the Royal Faire for raising the largest horse in the duchy. The horse, Germanicus, is a breed of shire horse, he stands at an amazing 30 hands tall weighing over 5000 pounds, with a 50 inch collar. After winning the ribbon Herr Ziggen gifted the horse to the Duke during the award ceremony at Fortenbras Palace.

Hesse-Engelburg News

Hesse-Engelburg Extends Recognition to Hesse-Fedora

The Principality of Hesse-Engelburg has become perhaps the first small state in the region to extend recognition to Hesse-Fedora, offering their newly formed regional neighbor an exchange of ambassadors. It is as yet unknown if this will sour relations with Hesse-Homburg, but with the Principality already mobilizing to deal with the Ober-Schweinsberg situation, it's difficult to tell if Their Graces are making any increase in defenses in response.

Ober-Schweinsberg Disintegrating

In what is now being refered to as the War of Ober-Schweinsberg Succession, the Landgraviate of Ober-Schweinsberg is rapidly disintegrating into various armed factions. Besides a patchwork of districts loyal to either Prince Arnold or Prince Ansgar, various cities and lesser nobles have chosen to declare either independence or neutrality rather than support either Prince. Most notable of these, perhaps, is the Bad Nachtschwein League, a trade league formed by various Ober-Schweinsberg cities and led by Bad Nachtschwein, one of the principal market cities of the Landgraviate. The League has chosen to declare itself a government, and has called upon the surrounding states to recognize it as an independent association of free cities.

Feldkamp Gala to Continue as Scheduled

Major Reinhold Feldkamp, the well-regarded commander of the General Staff Headquarters Guard, is hosting another of his bimonthly parties on the morrow at his grand estate. While there was speculation the party might be cancelled with war worries escalating, Major Feldkamp has confirmed that the gala will be continuing as scheduled. The Feldkamp Galas are attended by visitors from several foreign nations, most of them individuals or the family of individuals who once served with the Major during his time in mercenary service on the Austrian frontier.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Hesse-Fedora requests recognition

As ambassador extraordinaire from the court of His Excellency the Landgraf Bogey von Hesse-Fedora, I bring you the Landgraf's greetings and felicitations.

As many of you know, Landgraf Bogey was recently forced to separate his land from that of his erstwhile liege, the Prince of Hesse-Homburg, due to sartorial differences. The Landgraf has just presented the first standard to his new soldiers, but they will not be ready for the field of battle for some time.

In addition to the troubles affecting Ober-Schweinsberg, I must advise that my prince has called upon the forces of the Kingdom of Germania to protect our land until such time as the Fedoran Army is ready to take the field. That great and gracious King has indeed deployed such a corps.

It has now come to our attention that the Prince of Hesse-Homburg has taken the field with troops flying the flag of the Empress, and that these Imperial forces are converging on our borders.

I entreat the princes, dukes, bishops, electors, and kings here represented to extend immediate diplomatic recognition as a sovereign nation to the Landgraviate of Hesse-Fedora, in the hopes that such recognition will give the Empress and her lackey the Prince of Hesse-Homburg pause, and that they will reflect that force may not be the panacea they expect.

I have, sirs, the honor to be, etc. etc.

Graf Peter von Lorre, Ambassador Extraordinaire of the court of Hesse-Fedora
Das Material dem Träume von gebildet werden.

The Alzheimer Gentlemans' Magazine

Royal Fashion

When seen reviewing His troops last Tuesday inst. it was noted with interest the delicious shade of madder Red worn by his serene highness, the King in Alzheim.

As he comported himself upon his fine Arabian charger down the ranks of Alzheims' army it was noted how particularly fine were the plumes in his hat. A little bird tells me that these plumes can only be got in Paris!

He informed GFM v. Browne that the troops looked particularly fine in their new issue of uniforms.

The Ritter v. Horn was awarded the Order of the Red Eagle (3d Grade) for the turn-out of his company.

Gentlemen of Distinction and Breeding will note that the Royal Household buys their lace from Serbollini's of Zwei Groschen Allee in Alt-Alzheim.

Another little bird informs me that Gentlemen of Distinction and Breeding may note that there are Commissions to be had in all SIX of his Majesty's Regiments of Foot and also in each of His Majesty's FOUR Regiments of Horse.

Bourgeois are invited to attend the Artillery Barracks.

News of trouble spreads fast!

A pair of veteran Grenadiers; Grigor and Bogdan, are on post at the main gate to the Elector's castle in Schweingrad.

“Just stop Grigor, stop! Too may stories, will you never stop telling me these same old stories!”

“Shhh Bogdan, look!”

“What are you looking at you old fool?”

“A rider moving fast yelling, can you hear him Bogdan? My ears are not as strong as they once were.”

“Yes it’s the recognition sign, he’s a messenger! Open the gate! Open the gate now!” screamed Bogdan.

The gate opens just in time as the rider, now clearly visible in the uniform of the Hosok Tere Hussars, gallops past the sentries.

“He was in quite a hurry my dear Grigor; I have a bad feeling about this.”

“Well, with the damned Mohammedans active to our South, the rumblings with Alzheim to our North and Gallia and Hesse Seewald at each other in Germania, I fear for the balance of my hearing Bogdan!”

“Ehhh, why?”

“I’ve stood in one to many musket lines already; I’m not sure how many more my poor ears can withstand!”

“Grigor; you only need ears to hear with, I’ve never known you to shut up and actually listen to anyone you old fool!”

Grigor chuckles; “We’ve been together too long Bogdan, pass me some water and I’ll tell you of my time with the Musketeers!”

Irwin-Amadeus II Fiddles While Neighboring Apochryphal Principalities Smolder

News Brief:

Advisors to the Grand Duchy of Stollen’s ruler, Grand Duke Irwin-Amadeus II, report that his distracted malaise of recent days continues unabated. Unable, or unwilling, to concentrate on the various matters of state at hand, Irwin-Amadeus seems more interested in his fanciful seafood dress and in his growing obsession with white kidskin gloves. Whenever ministers attempt to discuss the clouds of war that hover on Stollen’s horizon’s, the Grand Duke responds, “Yes,yes. A pity, that. Where will we get our kidskin gloves if Hesse-Engelburg is occupied? I think I'll practice my cello now. Fetch my bow!” There are mutterings in certain quiet quarters, calling for treatment by that renowned expert of the mind, Herr Professor Doctor von Eierdybe, who holds chairs in metaphysics and philosophy at the University of Schmitten, located in neighboring Pillau-Zerbst.

In the meantime, Stollen’s generals have taken it on themselves to begin assembling their small army and preparing it for war, should that eventuality come. Stollen’s household regiment, the Leib (Grand Duchess of Sonja’s Own) Grenadiers is currently receiving new uniforms and training daily under the watchful eye of one Oberfeldwebel Klatschen. An additional regiment of infantry, a smaller battalion of jäger, a large regiment of dragoons, and a battery of artillery stand ready to take the field. These bodies of men shall hold annual maneuvers in June, an event that will be covered by members of our press. Advisors to Stollenian generals point out that it may be necessary to hire mercenary troops from a neighboring principality like Werben-Steinau or Pillau-Reuss, to round out troop numbers. Army representatives have been sent to those two territories, to ascertain which large infantry regiments might be available for hire should the need arise.

-- A. Reliableus von Quelle

Maine and Gruntshuffen Times May 18

Worrying News
Farms Burnt
Peasents in Fear!

Reports are reaching our offices of disturbing events in the south of Niedriger Gruntshuffen. Over the course of the last week several farms within the Parish of Fungelhof have been destroyed by sudden outbreaks of fire. Although the occasional blaze is not that uncommon, we hear that no less than six major blazes have been started - one each evening.

No person of Merit is believed to have been harmed athough some have lost stock, equipment and the odd peasent or two.

The fires are being blamed on the activities of of a small group of lawless men living wild in the hills of the region. Local administrators are believed to be organising troops to track down the miscreants. Further reports suggest, however, that the small force of Horse currently in the area are in fact patrolling along the border with Unter Gruntshuffen. No one in authority will confirm or deny this. One trooper of the force was heard to comment that the commander believed that incursions from Unter Gruntshuffen were being directed by that states own armed forces. At least that is what we believe he said. The amount of ale that he had been mysteriously supplied with just prior to our reporters overhearing the remarks, did make his speech terribly slurred.

This publication ardently hopes that these events are not the start of another flare up in the border dispute that has raged here for several years. Although with the prospect of war looming on a larger scale, it is possable that the Duke of Unter Gruntshuffens' advisors may believe that the time is right to claim the county of Neidriger Gruntshuffen which they have long desired.

We here at The Times will keep you informed of ant developments.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Chateau du Prince de Charade

Comte de Legerdemain: Bonsoir Monsieur l'Prince.
Prince de Charade: Bonsoir mon trés cher l'Comte. Entrée, s'il vous plaît. Bienvenuve mon ami.
Legerdemain: Oui. Merci. Merci beaucoup.
l'Comte de Legerdemain has been summoned to the chateau of the Gallian Foreign Minister, the Prince de Charade. The two enter the private office of the Prince's home away from the Foreign Ministry to privately discuss diplomatic affairs within Germania and by this they mean the welcomed, if mysterious and sometimes curious deluge of diplomatic traffic and behaviors suddenly arisen in this the second year of the war in Germania between Gallia and Hesse Seewald. We know that the two Gallian Armies under l'Duc de Broglie at Koblenz and the second commanded by Lt. Gen. Chevert at the magazine at Frankfurt Am Main, a haven of gastric if not turbulent gastronomic delights, are about to move deeper into Germania now that each has been rested, reinforced and invigorated from last years drawn campaign. Hesse Seewald, the arch enemy of Gallia for reasons lost in time, has been similarly rejuvinated and like a coiled spring is ready to strike as well but this time with new allies including the forces of Britannia now encamped in northwest Germania. What the petty states of Germania will want to say or do is not known to the narrator but we do know that the Prince with the full support of King Louis XV is a sly old fellow and will --- well --- we'll see won't we mes amis as he opens his letters brought by Legerdemain?
Votre Serviteur,

A Faux Versailles, Somewhere in Alzheim

A terrain is laid out on a large table.

It groans all the while under the weight of all the hills and valleys laid out in dampish sand. Streams and ponds and so forth are finely shredded blue paper.

Figures by Meistersilber.

"Ah-ha" cries his Majesty in triumph. "Caught you there von Browne you old devil! I bet you never expected my Cuirassiers to be lurking behind that hill!"

"No indeed, your Majesty", says old von Browne. "But did your Highness note my Croats in that spinney yonder? What do you think of that, eh Bauer?"

"I am sure His Majesty will riposte in a most effective wise in the fullness of time. Now, gentlemen, some light refreshment? Where is Schmundt with those sweetmeats? Schmundt? You, blaggard, idling as usual! Ha! Shall I cuff him Your Majesty?"

"By all means Bauer, deliver the fellow three solid buffets! Stint not your blows! You see Keith? That's how to keep the idlers and shirkers in line! Eh! What! (Strike on Bauer) "

And so he does and with such a will that the bumbling Schmundt tumbles, quaking and tearful into the table.

"Oh, blast my breeks! The fellow's knocked the table over. Imbecile! Conduct the Generalfeldmarschall hence that he may have the sand brushed from his coat!"

"Your Majesty, really, I am quite all right..."

"No, no Keith, I do insist!. Bauer will set the table for us that we may take up later; I assure you my memory of our respective dispositions is quite exact."

"Your Majesty."

"My dear Generalfeldmarschall."

Bauer walks over, a silver Grenadier in his hand, bayonet rather curled over. "Your Majesty has the same way with the soldiers as the King of the Prussians."

"Why thank-you Bauer. You are really quite a usefull fellow yourself."

Hesse-Engelburg Issues Diplomatic Advisory

(A suggestion to all, out of character. Label your post with countries mentioned in it for later ease of reference.)

Hesse-Engelburg's Ministry of State has issued an advisory to the diplomatic offices of all states in the region regarding the present unrest in Ober-Schweinsberg. The latest reports from Ober-Schweinsberg indicate the Landgraviate to be in a state of full-scale civil war, with the armies of the Landgrave divided between the two brothers, and additional forces being raised, conscripted, or hired by both sides.

The Ministry of State recommends that all countries bordering Ober-Schweinsberg increase their border patrols to ensure that the conflict does not spill into their territory as it recently did into Hesse-Engelburg. The Ministry of State wishes to confirm that the General Staff of the Army are interviewing prisoners from the recent Battle of Hirschtal to determine whether the units involved were acting upon the orders of either Prince or were operating under the command of a rogue general for personal gain. The Ministry of State wishes to emphasize that the Principality of Hesse-Engelburg has not yet chosen to intervene upon either side of the conflict and is continuing its attempt to broker a diplomatic solution.