I was reading the latest post on the Duchy of Pfalz-Kognat-Obersayn about their institute's collection of Rhineland taxidermy, and it got me to thinking. What are each of our fictional states best known for? What are the hooks that draw those from outside to visit as well as fuel the engine of trade?
For Hesse-Engelburg, the obvious trade base is of course dairy-related, with their mastery of goat-based products, from goat's milk and goat cheese to goat-hair blankets, and their own special breed of dairy cows. There are some important mineral products as well.
But on a prestige basis, the important draws of the nation would be such things as the eminent Fürstin Katharina Universität Conradstadt, the Princess Katharina
University of Conradstadt. On the religious front, the cathedral of Conradstadt has a prominence derived partially from its connection to the school of divinity at the University and the high regard in which its Bishop, Ulrich Frankel, is held. Also of note are the old sanctuary of Ulrichskirche and the village of Nonnenzuflucht which served as a refuge for several orders of nuns during the religious wars, and is sometimes a site of pilgrimage for the sisters in training in certain orders as they learn their history.
16 hours ago
Frankszonia is noted for its franks, and wieners, and red hot smoked, and a plethora of other suasages ...
We also have excellent vintages of wine and some fine breweries which are considered sacred sites ... it's not just the adjacent beer garden which provides our famous cathedral with its distinctive aroma.
Since we also practice religious toleration, of course, there are always a lot fish frys conducted by the Society of Holy Fishermen, or Anglericans.
Furthermore, there is a national mania over marching bands and Oompah bands ... so we have a lot of brass.
The Soweiter League contains a variety of cultures and geography within a small area, and each nation-state has their own claims to distinction. (in fact another older and less formal name for the region is "Leggoland")
Quaint little castles, cozy little hotels, little parks and forests (like the Hundertakerwald), very picturesque. :-)
Even within the Holy Roman Empire (which is, of course, almost totally Germanic), the Principality of Saxe-Bearstein is noted as the source of the finest beers and ales in the world.
Also known (although to a much lesser extent) for fine wines and friendly, comfortable Inns, Saxe-Bearstein was one of the few nations to survive the depredations of the Thirty Years War.
All of the roving TYW armies needed an occassional break from their many months of burning, raping and pillaging . . . and Saxe-Bearstein became a sort of highly-respected "sanctuary" where soldiers of all armies could relax for a little "R&R".
Of course, it didn't hurt that Saxe-Bearstein was founded by a Swiss mercenary company (the Bears) that was well-noted for its fierceness and skill-at-arms.
All armies appreciated this one spot of calm -- and knew that all other armies would turn against them and hunt them down if they were to damage the Inns of Saxe-Bearstein.
-- Jeff
Need I say it? Stagonia is primarily noted for its vileness. Beyond that, the propensity of its citizenry to duplicity and cruelty is unmatched.
They are also the leading source of truffles and other fungi. In addition, they seem to export a great deal of pork . . . for all of the pigs that fail to root out truffles are consigned to the slaughterhouses.
I enjoyed learning some more things about your countries and I will endeavour to include it in Whos Who and What What
Brother James (Wittenberg)
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