With the masquerade nearly here, I thought it might be useful to create a thread to which we could reply to tell Frankzonia what personages from our various realms are expected to attend, and to which he could add those he is aware of.
Generalmajor Paul von Scheider and wife Roswitha von Scheider advise that they will be attending the maquerade on behalf of Hesse-Engelburg.
Additionally, Professor Henry DuBois, a Hesse-Engelburg citizen of Gallian ancestry and a respected professor of ancient studies at the respected Fürstin Katharina Universität Conradstadt is expected to attend as the escort of Helga Freitag, Under-Secretary for Minor Matters on Even Numbered Months, who is attending the ball as one of her last travels before resuming the duties of her office in August.
16 hours ago
Saxe-Bearstein will be represented by one of their Consular military attaches, Major Karl von Lager (2nd son of Major General Otto von Lager).
-- Jeff of Saxe-Bearstein
As far as we know, the only Stagonian who may be present at the Masquerade is a rather blowzy, air-headed blond named Fraulein Francine Oppenkopf.
Although the term won't be invented for some centuries, she is a "groupie" when it comes to virile officers in colorful uniforms . . . thus her attendance is subject to her whims.
Bluebear Jeff had said...
Please be advised that Major Karl von Lager (currently attached to the Saxe-Bearstein Consulate as a military attache) will be attending the masquerade.
He is the second son of Maj. Gen. Otto von Lager of Saxe-Bearstein, 26 years old, tall, dark hair but blue eyes and is rather stiff and shy around ladies of noble birth (and less shy around common girls).
July 24, 2007 11:55 PM
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