A coastal lugger of Dutch design sails into Harfleur and docks furthest away from the town center, two French speaking men with an odd accent depart and search for piraguas to buy. Found shortly after they each take one to the lugger tie up to it. Two hours before sunrise the piraguas are loaded with supplies and five men to each. In the early morning fog the piraguas set their sails and with help from silenced oars begin to move up river.
Next morning another piragua is rowed to the lugger and loaded, five men set sail immediately up river. The lugger is left with a three man crew to keep watches and prepare the ship for immediate departure.
10 hours ago
It does indeed sound as if the game is afoot . . . er, I mean aboat.
-- Jeff
intriguing :-)
"Is Paris burning?"
That very same question did not bring good fortune to another ruler, in another part of the spatio-temporal multiverse...
A city full of frogs is too wet to burn satisfactorily, I guess.
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