His very Catholic Majesty The Grand Elector Prince von Sthall von Lichtenbourg has dispatched Prince Lucas von Lo Concierge of the Grand Palace Conqueror of Bretzelburg as an observer to make an informal, secret and probatory information tour of the various states composing the Empire. His mission is to evaluate, inquire, and observe. No actions will be taken before proper observation. Let it be known that if attacked our fierce and unbeaten army will react with uttermost and uncontained violence.
Hector von Observant Baron du Chateau de la Mort qui Tue, Grand Sénéchal de la Cour, Minister of information and Announcements.
11 hours ago
We would be grateful if The Prince,upon crossing into Tradgardland ,would pay his due respects to Duke Karl Frederick in order that relations between us may be formalised.He will be offered sumptious hospitality and the free range of our Ducal palace. Please convey a reply by courier at your earliest convience.
Col. Lysander Browne
Post Meister General
most esteemed Col. Lysander Browne,
i Lucas von Lo would glady accept the invitation of Duke Karl Frederick in order to establish closer links between our two great nations.
Best Regrards,
Lucas von Lo Concierge of the Grand palace Conqueror of Bretzelburg, Great Sénéchal defender of the True Faith, Protector of the Electorates Cognac cellars
Hunsruck, le juillet 1757
Monsieur le Prince von Lo Concierge et les autres qui de droit,
His grace Duke Ignaz welcomes the opportunity to entertain the Lichtenbourger delegation, and especially invites their assistance at the Marschall Browne benefit performance this August.
Chancellor von Schirnhausen also takes great interest in learning of the progress of your tour, since plans are currently afoot for an international debut for his grace's eldest daughter, the Prinzessin Sophie Vittoria.
Nous vous prions d'agréer, l'expression de nos sentiments les plus respectueux et dévoués,
Kanzler Gottfried Graf von Schirnhausen
It is only natural that we should welcome another Imperial lord. Furthermore, should his Grace be able to reach Frankfurt in the next week, he and his ladies will be able to participate in the grand fete and masquerade being held to celebrate the birth of the Urpprinz Honker. Surely, their presence will add to the gaity and stature of the event!
L'Beauphaup, minister
Their Graces, the Fürst and Fürstin Guntram and Sieglinde Blauerwolf, do extend the hospitality of Hesse-Engelburg to the visiting Prince, and request that he might bring with him trade and cartographic information suitabel to determine the proper nature of relations between our two states.
Burgraf Heinrich von Waffenschmidt
Minister of State
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