I appreciate the suggestion below that folks post who will be there ...
A couple of people have already noted who shall be attending for them, and I'd love it if we all could "comment" under the excellent suggestion ... as I'll probably miss a couple of those who've already said they're coming.
A few things that folks would "know" about the gathering ...
First of all, Lady Cherish Masquerade and Lady Rosenschnauz have decided upon a theme of "Midsummer Night's Dream" ... the famous Shakespeare play, for which Moosart has composed an opera buffe version, a ballet, and few chamber pieces .... among other things, it will encourage a lot of "flirting" for the various conspirators and also to permit the Hurtshog to get many of the more important guests to incorporate body armor into their costume ... troubled times and all ...
I'm a bit cloudy on the dances of the period, but most cognoscenti will understand that the famous dance master "Pietro Fettuccine" is also a famous duelist ...
Of course, everybody knows that the prominence of Later In The Day Saints will encourage a rather excessive imbibing of the excellent potables provided (apologies to any real Mormons, the joke is a long standing one now). However, given the reputation of Frankfurters as excellent sausages, brats (yep, their kids are the wurst) (oh yes, the Duke will also take strenuous measures to ensure the quality), and potables; they will be surprised to find a wide variety of fish entrees (again, it's a religious issue, take a bite, be polite, and don't gag until you get out of the girl's sight). In consequence, not only do I suggest the white wines, but also there will be a number of chilled wine / citrus juice concoctions available.
The Duke has also been to some expense to import the better Gallian vintages for the palletes of his guests and the honor of the guests of honor, Ladies Pettygree and Masquerade.
Now, to take the Gallian OB that Bill provided and go mumbling into my figure boxes to see which units will actually be there ....
Hey, it's PARTY TIME!
10 hours ago
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