Fellow Rulers,
We have added a number of new member states recently . . . and I am not sure that I have every country's blog or website on our Links list.
Please check the list for your country. If it is not there, please email me and I will be delighted to add it to the list.
-- Jeff Hudelson
blog administrator
16 hours ago
In view of the intelligences received by our agents on The Miniatures Page of the Principality of Lichtenbourg, his grace the Duke of Pfalz-Kognat-Obersayn has authorised his government to open diplomatic relations with the other notional principalities of the Empire for the mutual edification of the peoples and nobility of these lands, as well as the advancement of the military and liberal arts.
We are therefore pleased to inform of you of the following broadsheet detailing events and personalities of his grace's domain:
We thank you for your kind attention and remain, your obedient servants, etc.
Gottfried von Schirnhausen
Chancellor to his grace, the Duke of Pfalz-Kognat-Obersayn.
Greetings and hallucinations to you Herzog Ignatz of Pfalz-Kognat-Obersayn.
Welcome to this collection of imagi-nations.
It is my understanding that there is a confrontation on the field of MARS, somewhere nearest you ... soon.
Hi all
i where i am currently postin the OOC (out of Character)stuff
should i set up 2 specific blogs for the countries, Skavenburg and Saxe-Nweilintz...??
also my MSN address is shaunmctague@aol.com should any one wish to chat, altho ths is no longer my email
Hi Shaun,
It's up to you whether you wish to set up blogs for both countries or just one for your main country and include information about both on it.
Most of us have the latter approach, but there's nothing wrong with the former either.
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