May I extend an invitation to you to join ( with suitable train ) the Duke and Duchess of Tradgardland and Schwartz - Tradgardland for a week of celebrations ( at Candlemas ) to banish the Winter darkness and illuminate the lives of all! Accommodation will be offered and hospitality assured to those who give due notice . Notification of intent to come should be by letter by four days hence at the latest !
God save their Majesties!
Erik von Althavn- Trezbisond
Newly appointed organiser of Extravaganzas Secular and Profound to the Court
p.s All gifts of a fitting nature will be welcomed and adored!
p.p.s An itinerary of events and masques will be issued along with diverse details in due course.
We will cheerfully dispatch young Hielegekinde to attend as our representative. We don't want to expose the young Urpprinz to the cold of a winter's journey ...
Hurtshog Stanken
To their Graces, he Duke and Duchess of Tradgardland and Schwartz - Tradgardland.
It is with regret that his Grace, The Duke of Clove-Hamhock must decline your kind invitation. This is due to current state of affairs within the Duchy of Clove-Hamock due to the influx of refugees and the training they are now undergoing after being impressed into the armed forces of the duchy. Their Graces might also consider admonishing Erik von Althavn- Trezbisond with regard to the proper use of honorifics when refering to their Graces, unless of course their Graces are now the King and Queen of Tradgardland and Schwartz – Tradgardland (}~D).
For His Grace, Wilhelm Fredrick von Servens
Edgar von Knitpiken
Court Scribe
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