I am curious about the plans of action for the coming campaign season for those 'nations' with a 'notion' of exploring some storytelling through tabletop game play, yet do not yet have enough troops to 'take the field' or a live opponent with which to play against themselves.
I ask this now as 1758 is a busy year, historically, and likewise should be busy here at EvE.
Nothing 'concrete' needs to be decided now, only what sort of movements are likely, then where they are going to 'cross' can be 'thought-out' by others...so that possible battles between players whom have little chance to meet in the Real World ™.

The Real World ™ timing part of these battles is also the reason for wanting to look ahead to the coming campaign season...
Speaking for the Soweiter League and the Batrachian Empire I hope to get in some smaller solo games myself as these 2 nations build up their forces. I may start out with some smaller skirmish games. I bought Gloire recently and even though it's designed for a slightly earlier period (1600's and barely into the 1700's) I think it still might work for some skirmish games with a very small number of minis for our period.
Will either the Soweiter League or Batrachian Empire make any military maneuvers which would provoke or stimulate a response from their neighbors?
Will they have to, or want to, cross territory not under their dominion? (such as for a flanking movement)
These sort of things are what could 'provoke' a proxy action.
As soon as Stagonia burns Tipplebruder down, Frankzonia will be moving in on Offenbach again to evict the vile Stagonian agents there and to liberate their neighbors.
Also, I plan some solo games to eliminate the finger of territory controlled by the Duchy of Hanau in which the foes of the Fahrtz family and the Gallian oppr ... uh .... allies have been covertly gathering ...
So then the actions of Frankzonia are likely to stir up a Gallian response?
Thanks for stirring up the things, Murdock!
I suggest that as 'default value' troops are allowed free passage through 'neutral' 3rd parties lands, so that planned strategical movements are not paralyzed until a *lot* of preliminary (proxy) battles are fought. Most battles would (for practical purposes, and even if quite unrealistic) take place only if and when all players involved have already decided to meet.
This, of course, include any 'proxy', as soon as the 'real commanders'agree for such a 'delegation of responsability'
In short, map movements across Urope will indeed provide opportunities for numerous encouters with 'trespassed' 3rd parties, or suggest new actions to (major) 4th parties. But only those battles (from skirmishes to mass encounters) that can be resolved soon enough in The Real World™ would take place. Other would be avoided (supposing free passage granted or successful maneuvres of evitement).
But indeed taking into account the territories crossed by map-moving armies will provife a *lot* of excuses for proxy battles, specially precious for isolated members / solo wargamers, and the best way to built strong links between all contributors, turn us into an active, if 'virtual' "local club" with a strong sentiment of 'belonging'.
Just my 2 cents
I wonder if a certain gamer residing in or near Edinbugh might not consider a coup de main at said city. After all the Prince has returned with a battalion of Royal Ecossais allied with clans a rising. We also know the Edinburgh garrison has low morale and low ammunition from posts this past December.
On a snowny star-filled night with the moon peeking through racing clouds the sentry at the Edinburgh Main Gate....
As the new Campaign Season starts, the various parties of the Ober-Schweinsberg Civil War can be expected to resume combat, and Hesse-Engelburg will likely be meddling there.
Outside of that, there is of course the Tipplebruder battle, and after the battle one may assume that at least some troops from various nations will have to make their way home. This of course could offer conflict if someone decided to ambush them on the way.
Speaking off the record ;)...Hesse-Engelburg is also prepared to offer some supporting forces to Stollen in their upcoming battles (part of the reason the Hussar officer turned up there), though it's up to Stokes whether he wants to proxy any of them in.
Tradgarland is to Hesse-Engelburg's north, and is at peace with them. Somewhere to the west is Hesse-Fedora and its combative neighbors. It's always possible Hesse-Engelburg could get drawn into regional conflicts around that, especially with the Imperium meddling in the region.
Oh I agree with you abdul666, however I also think that we should start *including* the possibility of proxy battles NOW.
That way the solo players can make proposals for battles (or small flanking actions) while the 'main body' is in motion.
We need to start shaking out whom is on the Emperor (Empress') side and whom is for the Elector(s). I see this as a way of doing just that...along with playing with our toys a bit more!
tradgardmastare is someone of importance in many of these plans now as transport of troops into the Baltic (to assist Stollen) would be of value, as would any moves westward to participate in actions beyond the Rhine...
On the northern side of the eastern sector of the southern part of the Western Front of Urope (i.e. where Hesse-Fedora et al live), operations are expected to commence in late March. Several encounters are sure to follow, and pundits are already expecting a large battle, relatively late in the campaign, say...November?
Ed v. H-F
Batrachia may indeed have need to cross other lands, but the Soweiter League is a small country with no desire for conquest or grand military adventures (or misadventures) - although we are willing to provide a few troops when need arises, such as the case of Saxe-Urquhart's Higlanders coming to help out in the defence of Tipplebruder. Bossanova may also have a grimy hand in things here and there, but thus far has preferred to keep to the shadows and avoid direct military action.
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