Some distance from Ny Tradgardland the Militia have set up a camp. They wish to meet with their Indian allies and friends in the light of the Clouds of Mars which threaten the obscuring the Sun of Peace. It is vital that the past good relations be retained and reinforced.
The Indians have traded,hunted and co-existed with the Ny Tradgardlanders since their arrival in the New World. They have served together in the small Ranger company which scouts the borders and beyond. Much depends on the outcome of the forthcoming meeting.......
So the Ny Tradgarland militiamen wear (blueish? brownish? May vary with indidual wealth, thus ± with rank?) grey breeches and white waistcoats. What about their uniform coat, for those that own one?
BTW, what does the flag of Ny Tradgarland look like? And, mentioning interrogations about flags...
Sorry, waistcoat assorted to the breeches!
I believe that the figure in the picture is a Gallian Soldier from the fort at Louisberg hence the "uniform" .The Ny Tradgardland Militia wear their own clothes which are often a drab brownish coat. the Ranger company may include some wearing hunting dress or native styles.
Thanks for the information.
I suppose the Golden Herring appears on the flag of Ny Tradgarland (the only Tradgarlander flag I know of if that of the 1st IR, and I ignore what details are 'national' or 'regimental'?
BTW, Tradgarlander shipbuilders and engineers may be interested by some of the patents auctioned by the Monte-Cristan Academy of Sciences (posted as 'MC Mil R&D III-Naval Warfare' on the Official Board of the Presipality)?
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