To Col D'Rockett (Director Barabara Powder Mill and Military pyrotechnical fabricators)
Sir, thank you for your query, I have the honour to enclose a copy of the Kreigsacademie prospectus. The academie director Herr Dr Griffin O'Patrick will be more than pleased to discuss any particular needs.
Being a small country based on the Rhine we have little experience of the oceans outside of our small trading post of Ste Barbara on the island of San Serif in the Caribbean. However General Deloup, who is still convalescing locally, following his latest trans-Atlantic adventure, may be amenable to providing his insights for a suitable fee. Additionally we may still be able to contact General Tiezhen to advise on cavalry tactics or General G.R.I. Beauval on artillery (references available on request) as we understand that the are between commitments at this time.
With highest felicitations
Baron Hardegg (Minister for Foreign Relations) Frundsberg Frei Stat.
2 hours ago
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