Gallian Lt. General Chevert though losing the recent battle at Oberon near the Bohemian frontier was observed to disappear into Bohemia (Saxe-Beerstein if my memory serves) afterwards. His second in command, Prinz Wilhelm of Saxe-Raschstein (Saxony), may have ridden on ahead with a brigade of Saxe-Raschstein cavalry. Rumor has it the whole contingent is headed for Silesia. Chevert is considering requesting a contribution from the Saxe-Beersteiners and the keys to the capital given the contrary attitude of this government. Thumping them for treating the Stagonians so poorly is on his mind too. We shall see.
Translation: Back in May I placed the Corps of Chevert at Eger in Bohemia. To continue the story, the Thursday evening game at Historicon hosted by Der Alte will be in snowy Silesia. I am never-minding the impossibility of snow nor the campaign season. This makes no difference to us. Summer or winter, is the same - somehow. This way Der Alte gets to use his gorgeous snow coverings and snowy buildings. Please stop by to marvel! The above cavalry are my Saxon cavalry units. The Rutowski Chevaulegers (48) who historically rode big horses rather than the lighter ones associated with chevauleger type units. The other unit is the newly forming von Brühl Dragoons. Twelve are done. I hope to double this for H.Con. I wish it would really snow at Lancaster, PA for H. Con. Very hot there I think.
Marshall Broglie has departed Frankfurt Am Main and is marching to the Fulda Gap.
His mission is to breach the gap and thence head north into Hesse-Seewald or turn slightly to the left for the town of Kassel.
Translation: Our Friday evening game at Historicon is a Bring Your Own Soldiers game. Are you bringing any? The Saturday morning game is Hold Until Relieved. De Broglie will be in command for both - not Chevert.
In a totally contented state of mind I am oddly commanding Britannian forces this coming Saturday. Bonnie Prince Charlie is coming by to storm a castle to secure arms, munitions and what nots to feed his rebellion - ah restoration. I spent this evening building lots of scaling ladders for the game. We'll just see if the Highlanders can scale my castle walls!
1 day ago
An interesting post - I look forward to hearing how the Jacobite game goes and seeing pictures too!
best wishes
I trust the Reenactment all went well and a good time was had by you and all concerned
Thank you for your remarks Alan,
Yes the game is this coming Saturday, the 12th instant. Photos will be up to Der Alte - as usual.
Yes, the 250th Ticonderoga Commemoration was a smashing success. Next year are the 250th commemorations at Fort Niagara and The Plains of Abraham in Québec City. In the latter the 1760 battle of Ste. Foy will occur on Sunday - a French victory. The battle on The Plains will be on Saturday.
Votre Serviteur,
Bohemia is generally known as the Principality of Saxe-Bearstein (the Reich Duchy of Beerstein is a different Imagi-Nation).
We treat the vile Stagonians poorly because they DESERVE to be so treated.
-- Jeff
I thought I had something wrong about Beerstein and Bearstein. Now I've got it Jeff. Thanks!
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