My Dear Cousin,
By now you should have heard of the action between the government forces of Brittania and the Jacobite rebels at Carmudgeon. Siegfried and I had a close-up and personal view of the battle - with the Jacobite forces no less! How we ended up there is a long but interesting story.
After our landing on the coast, Siegfried and I began our journey to find the Brittanian forces so that we might offer our services as instructed by the Margrave before we left. Along the way, we encountered Fiona MacGillicuddy, a

Dear Fiona made such as impression on the Prince that he invited her to accompany his suite. Fiona demurely accepted, with a malicious grin in our direction. Later that evening she arranged to visit us. We then found out that she was spying for the government and wanted to borrow Hans, Siggy’s batman, to deliver a message to the government troops in Carmudgeon. Well, Siggy, always willing to grant the wish of a beautiful woman, agreed and poor Hans was given detailed directions. He left shortly after dark and returned before dawn, his message delivered.
The next morning the government troops were ready for the Jacobite attack, no doubt warned by Fiona’s message. Siggy and I so thoroughly confused the Tradgardland jagers who were on the far left flank of the Jacobite army that they only got off a few shots at the government defenders. They were able to occupy a recently abandoned block-house, but since it was empty, we didn't discourage them.
With confusion reigning the night after the battle, Fiona, Siggy, Hans, and I were able to slip away and join the government forces. We thoroughly reported our doings to Colonel Nicholson, the government commander. Now we are where we were supposed to be all along. Please pass our felicitations to the Margrave and let him know that with our aid, the government forces should be victorious in the coming campaign to put down the Jacobite rising.
Your affectionate and devoted cousin,
[Note: Due to a slight misunderstanding, my three Carpania adventurers were inadvertently attached to the Tradgardland jagers for the battle of Carmudgeon. After the exchange of several e-mails, Jim Purky and I decided upon this “back story” that also includes a little bit of skull duggery by Frivolous Fiona and those stalwarts - Alistair Campbell and Siegfried “Siggy” Hapnich. I’m sure we’ll hear more about both of them in future battles with the Jacobites before they return home to Mississippi.]
An excellent post - most enjoyable!
Indeed, very finely done. An enjoyable way to work the story around a misunderstanding :)
I often find these sorts of mixups, along with anomolous die rolls for stats and similar unexpected or unplanned for circumstances, make for better stories when you work out how and why things fell out they way they did.
A bit of randomness spices up the games. :-)
I very much agree with fitz-badger's comments. I know that some of the oddest events on the tabletop have prompted very creative explanations.
Good work, sir.
-- Jeff
Thank you all for your kind words. I am only taking inspiration from what all of you have written in past posts on this most interesting of blogs.
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