Dear brother in Christ,
Many thanks for your recent letter which we read with great care and interest. We write back to express our pleasure at your evident loyalty to the Holy See. Such loyalty is a sign of ,shall we say, future patronage and preferment.
We write also to express our outrage at the lawlessness sweeping your land like pestilence and thank you for your timely warning. We also write to ask if you are representative ( in matters of loyalty ) of the clergy at large. If so , are there any possibilities of them being harnessed to act at God's instrument of judgement upon your Jesuit led Household? I speak , of course, entirely unofficially yet in Gospel earnestness.
For we seek your aid in the overturning of this Household of Sodom and Gomorrah, this Babylon of Europa.
Write by return and may God speed your reply!
Cardinal Max
7 hours ago
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