If anyone would like to add a figure to the growing Tradgardland Life Guard let me know. I have this mad idea of raising a guard unit ( recruited from gentlemen of fortune from across Europa) of a number of figures with a figure from each imagination ( on loan of course)wishing to join in. They would be in the same uniform to some degree yet with their owners unique contributions - let me know what you think of the idea.
As befitting such a unit of importance it is hoped that the gentlemen volunteers will be equipped with a fine mount and back&breastplates . Sturdy boots are of course vital and a martial and brave spirit too.Offers of kettle drummers and trumpeters would be welcomed too. The unit size will ideally be within the Guard specified in the " Charge Rules".
I await your pledges with interest and enthusiasm Gentlemen. The drums are beating and we await your reply...
1 day ago
You might want to describe the uniform you intend if we are to paint them.
-- Jeff
Jeff and others...
Uniform as per the gentleman's choice,equipment as prescribed.
What scale and manufacturer are you interested in? Do you want a figure dressed in the uniform of the Guard Cavalry of the Reich Duchy of Beerstein or in a uniform of your army?...Bill
Bill et al
25mm figures dressed as heavy cavalry of their own nation. I perceived the unit as a sort of drabant/companion vibe. I like the idea of a mix of styles and colours...
The University of Pabst is a very prestigious institution with students from many of our Imagin-Nation Allies. Any young aristocrat deemed worthy by Duke Karl Frederick of Tragardland will certainly be admitted and invested into the Order of the Goblet...
Pfalz-Kognat-Obersayn certainly has a surplus of properly equipped young gentlemen seeking entree into the Kürassiere.
I would like to echo Jeff's comment about uniform colors.
Your original post indicated that the unit would be an amalgam of painted men from all over, however a set of uniform colors would be very beneficial in this project.
Maybe you could look over the great Curiassier patterns in Not By Appointment and then use a paint by numbers approach?
I can certainly supply a trumpeter or a trooper...how fast is another question to be answered.
Yes, you say:
"They would be in the same uniform to some degree yet with their owners unique contributions"
Which certainly suggests that we paint in your uniform color rather than our own . . . has that changed?
Please give some guidance.
-- Jeff
An uniform is basically a *livery*, a thing of *servants*. My understanding is that the Trafalgand Life Guard will be a 'warband of equals', a brotherhood with Duke Karl Frederick the first among his peers.
The Guards are to be the Duke's companions, not his retainers: as such they will not wear 'his' livery, his uniform -while each of them will proudly keep the uniform of his native country, being its ambassador and 'depository' of it smilitary honour in the Guard?
hmm interesting abdul666, you are putting forward a different concept than was commonly done in the period.
Even the volunteers of the Cardinals guard or the Swiss in Rome did have a common uniform.
I may well be totally out of the mark, but that's how I interpretate Duke Karl Frederick's suggestions.
Anyway this would not apply to the trumpeter / kettledrummer who were not 'fighters' and did not pretend to be 'noble'. I suspect they would wear Karl Frederick's personal livery (which could be different from the Tradgarland 'state' livery)?
In their earliest days French Mousquetaires wore their casaque above their own, non-uniformed clothes, and then only when on-duty. On a Cuirassier uniform this could be translated by an armband or sash?
Great idea ! I'll have to rummage in my spares to see if I have any figs I could use.
-- Allan
The man from Monte Cristo has it correct . Companions is the phrase and idea. I know it is slighty off period but I thought it might be fun- let me know what you think...
But if you all prefer I can reccomend uniforms - I don't really mind.
I believe the choice should be yours, however the suggestion of a distinguishing sash or armband seems to be a good one.
As no troops in U.G. are armoured we are currently getting our aqrmourer to provide the back and breast plates for H.von Wullfenbuttell, son of our Grace the Prince Bishop. We are assured that it will be delivered to us before the end of this week.
A sash sounds a good idea -in Rose ( the ducal colour ) seems appropriate if that is fine with folk. As ever I am interested in your suggestions...
Maybe, for the sake of homogeneity, the final coat of paint on the sash would be done 'in Tradgarland' - indeed it would be a personal gift from Duke Karl Frederick to any new Companion?
Then Rose would be the basic colorof the trumpeter (if any) 's livery.
In real life, men vary in size and silhouette -as widely as minis of the same nominal scale (even if generally Cuirassiers were 'giants riding elephants'!). Thus a mixture of troopers from different manufacturers would only add to the 'veracity' of the Guard. But if a contributor paints a mini from a 'smaller than average' range, he would make sure the man rides a *very large* horse!
Since you want cuirassiers with BOTH BACK & BREAST cuirass showing, perhaps you'd best specify what color it should be.
Since there are so many different "metal" colors out there, perhaps it would be best just to have "black" cuirasses. (I know that I would have to paint one on since my figures don't have them.)
What do you think?
-- Jeff
The Holy Mormoan Kingdom wish to offer a Kettle Drummer and horse!
I suspect that Duke Carl Frederick expects almost the same visual diversity in the cuirasses as in the coats - according of what is in use (or was, the last time full cuirasses were worn there) in the Companion's country?
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