The Gallant and fit members of the Edinburgh Town Guard muster upon the Meadows. No Jacobite Army could defeat such warriors. They are armed and ready!
Being in the nature of a genial location for imaginary nations of the Eighteenth Century to carry out diplomatic affairs . . . (not the place for rule discussions, miniature manufacturers, painting reports, history of your country or other things that belong on your personal blogs).
1 comment:
At Edinburgh Parade Ground
Militiaman Robert: "Aye, tis Christmastime and those braided fools call us out again fer drill and nonsense!"
Militiaman Duncan "Aye! Vexed I am as well and do I know why? I do! The Pretender is the alarm once more. Me father told me about him when I was a wee child. More foolishness of Kings, Queens, Gallians and Lord Fopingtons to make misery. I say, so what. Makes no difference to our daily lives."
Sergeant Quincannon: "SILENCE in the ranks there!" [He pulls his cloak tighter against the cruel wintry wind and blowing snow as he walks down the line of shivering men. He silently tells himself this is madness. These men will not stay if the Prince comes. Half may be his supporters. Others don't care. Still, duty calls.]
Militiaman Robert: "What chance do we stand agin the Higland charge with this ol' vile musket and three rounds only?"
Militiaman Duncan: "Aye."
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