Von Bergmann and his Tradgardland companions have made their way across Norroway to the City of Trondheim. The have observed the famous Hammer Dance and have made contact with the Military Governer of the area.
Investigations continue with regard to closer military and trade links betwixt Norroway and the Duchy. Gruber and his young companions have been offered a chance to see the Skiloberkorps in training. Their journey to the skiloberkorps company begins tomorrow weather permitting. Meanwhile Von Bergmann begins to negotiate the bare bones of a Treaty - upon which flesh can be added later . The snow lashes the fortress and the Tradgardlanders are pleased to be in comfortable lodgings for one more night.
1 comment:
The Hammer dance? Just don't let anyone talk your military outfitters into buying the Hammer pants! ;-)
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