Monte-Cristo is ready to welcome
young King Basil, Reich Duchess Lynda and Reich Duke Wilhelm with our ceremony of
official greeting.
Our prestigious guests could not come and honour us at a more favorable time: the weather is fine but not too hot, as happens sometimes in the deep of summer despite the proximity of the sea (everywhere in the Presipality
"On sent la mer d’ici! "). Thus the young and fair Monte-Cristans are wearing their traditional costume, the (in)famous
«trikini» (becomes the
‘monokini’ when barefooted).
As part of the Season Festival of the Open Air Opera, this week offers each afternoon a representation of Purcell’s
Faerie Queene after an appetizer of -
diverse - of
his other
pieces. Our special guest of the Year, the
Bluebird Ballet from Mitteland, performs on several on them.
Given the taste of our welcoming population for music and enjoyement, by a decades-old unwritten tradition
foreign musicians, players of
bagpipe or
hurdy-gurdy (and any instrument if they play
good music) come to
Monte-Cristo at the
time of the festival –from
whole Europe and all around the
Mediterranean Sea- to perform for free in the
streets and
squares and
in the
Grand Parc Recreatif (somewhat to the annoyance of the
timid animals in the attached Zoo).
A special this year, the Palace has invited the
Mehter Takımı as part of the ‘cultutal exchanges’ covering our convoluted diplomatic efforts to revive the alliance between Versailles and Istanbul.
The Great Hall of the
Musee des Arts et Sciences currently harbors our famous Annual
Exposition d’Arts Orientaux, enriched of
new pieces. The staff of the Presipapal Library is selecting the portfolios and books our Guests will receive as

We hope Her Highness Reich Duchess Lynda will greatly honour our
gentle People by kindly agreeing to
tour the
City and
Peninsula as Special Head of the
jury for our
Spring competitions of Flowered
Hamlets and
Villages. Hopefully Her Highness will not be disturbed by the fact that here, even when presenting their works to the Jury, most of young gardeners wear only a straw hat (for the boys, respectuously held in hands), a green apron and wooden shoes.
In the meantime, given their ruling responsabilities facing serious matters related to our troubled times, the Prince and the Reich Duke will be given
demonstrations of our recent achievements in
military research and development.
They will also have the unique opportunity to witness the drill and evolutions of the
Peshawar Lancers, an exotic mercenary outfit at the moment in transit on our peninsula.
Each of your Guests will be presented with an annotated
copy of Maurice de Saxe’s
Reveries: the Marechal
gave us several copies of of a ‘secret’ edition printed under his direction (and far better than the posthumous edition).
As a mark of trust and friendship, various pieces of information recently gathered by our Service will be revealed and the march, 12 ‘Secret Synthesis’
commented upon.
Then to end the days on a relaxing tone, we offer for instance the Musical Plays at the
Casino: while at the Great Theatre & Concert Hall a
gothic drama retelling a popular German legend is performed in alternance with an amusing (if somewhat controversial by foreign standards)
comedy, a smaller theatre offers more
sophisticated shows.
But, honestly, we would not encourage our Guests to
gamble in this establishment…
We have to confess to be less well equipped as for answering the possible
spiritual needs of our Guests. But they would benefit, if they wish, from interviews with another honored visitor: Cardinal Maximilian von Roskilde is still our wiling ‘prisoner’. As we understand it, this Holy Man sees his
sojourn in our jail as the fulfilment of some kind of
ex-voto, a self-imposed mortification in thanksgiving for the happy conclusion of his chaotic sea journey.

We will invite
Young King Basil to open the last night Grand Bal d’
‘Au Revoir’.
Thus we are waiting for for the arrival of Reich Duchess Lynda, Reich Duke Wilhelm and Prince Basil in full confidence to offer them a pleasant –both enjoyable and and instructive- staging stage in their Grand Tour, in a peaceful and secure haven sheltereed from
obscure plots and away from all wars, known or
We’ll leave to our Sovereign Guests to comment, if they wish, on their sojourn in our Country.