Ambassador Graf Karl Ostendorf and Captain von Eickweist arrived at Reich Duke Wilhelm's camp near the frontier of the Margraviate of Carpania with a fantastic tale. The Ambassador related how King Basil's Hussars were ambushed and killed by a band of Kleftes. Wilhelm was astounded to hear that roaming bands of thieves and cutthroats would be so bold. Captain von Eickweist related how he and the Ambassador were also accosted by these Kleftes as they tried to leave Morea. As the Ambassador make a run for his life, Captain von Eickweist turned about to fight four of the brigands. His bravery allowed the Ambassador made good his escape. The good captain killed three of the Kleftes in single combat while the fourth coward fled into the forest. Although wounded, Captain von Eickweist was able to catch up with the Ambassador. They were assisted by a group of loyal Morean border guards. The Reich Duke was so moved by their harrowing adventure and the heroic action of Captain von Eickweist that he promoted von Eickweist to major. He further entreated Ambassador Ostendorf to return to Mystra and to resume his duties at the Court of Theofilia. Considering the extraordinary circumstances, Reich Duke Wilhelm instructed the Ambassador to inform young Basil that he would be pleased to have him join his entourage on the Grand Tour. To ensure Ambassador Ostendorf's safety, Wilhelm provided the Ambassador an escort of his personal body guard.
Interesting turn of events. I won't be able to post something this weekend (Midwest Political Science Association confrence), and it may take some time, but in my next Morean post the following events will happen: an assassination attempt against Theofilia and attempted coup d'etat in Morea. Prince Basil going off for the tour, but deciding on his own violation to find the Reich Duke, and the arrival of military forces in Corfu and Bari. The ambassador will propably arrive in the aftermath, and if it is ok, I will show the events from his POV.
Since this is going to be a pivotal post for the story of Morea, it may take some time to be prepared.
Excellent, have a great conference...
Capt Bill,
May I ask where did oyu get the tent from?
Diplomatic relationships with new countries are so fragile. One untimely ambush nearly derailing peaceful relations. No telling how future events will impact the Adriatic. Nice photo Capt.
And matters will get even more "intense" when the Reich Duke and young Basil visit Carpania. Stay tuned!
Intrigue and treachery, eh?
I wonder if the hideous King Ludwig of Stagonia is involved?
Or is it some of the labyrinthine plotting from Istanbul??
Stay tuned to ColCampbell's Barracks over the coming days as almost all will be revealed!
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