President K. Rapp of the Republic of Neues Sudland has approved his 4th Regiment of Dragoons as Reich Duke Wilhelm first unit in the newly authorized Foreign Legion Brigade. The 4th's Dragoons nicknamed "The Ponces" raised on 26 January 1713 from the sons of well to do personages in Ekaterinsburg and appropriate volunteer gentlemen from the German States, France and the United Kingdom. The colonels and senior officers of this regiment are only drawn from the best families of the republic. Despite this, the regiment also has a very good combat record. This regiment will be the senior unit in our Foreign Legion. Reich Duke Wilhelm envisions this legion to grow to four infantry battalions, two cavalry regiments and a battery of excellent artillery. Any nation wishing to volunteer a unit can be assured they will be provided the finest uniforms, flags, and equipment of the native country.
Several adventurous Monte-Cristan maidens are ready to enlist as vivandieres / Sutleresses...
If accpted, rather than going straight to Saxe-Beerstein on their own, they may join the Royal Tourists' caravan (an additional escort of a kind)?
The Holy Mormoan Kingdom of New Wales boasts the finest of Artillery Battery's. His Royal Highness King Phillip I is happy to send Bree's Battery, Royal Regiment of New Wales Artillery. What say you?
Reich Duke Wilhelm would be pleased to have a Monte-Cristan escort. After our recent close call, one can never have too many escorts! The kind offer of His Royal Highness King Phillip I of the Holy Mormoan Kingdom of New Wales to provide Bree's Battery, Royal Regiment of New Wales Artillery, is gratefully accepted. Pleased provide uniform and flag information so this illustrious battery can be added to out Foreign Legion...
If interested in miniature vivandieres or, more generally, Lace Wars ladies in semi-military dress (daughter of the regiment / regimental god-mother / inhaber's wife / honorary colonel monarch…) –on foot or mounted- feel free to look at my O5.07. "09 comment: corrections and additions welcome!
To make a long story short, Tradition 30mm ‘Willie’ appears as the best source of suitable figures, both designed as such or propitious to conversion.
If the Neues Sudlander 4th Regiment of Dragoons is to be granted a vivandiere in Beerstein service (probably one of the Suren ‘Willie’ ‘Mounted Ladies in Hunting Dress’ already used by ‘EvE’ members to depict Milady de Winter, Lady Pettygree and her friend…), given that in Neues sudland cavalry officers are distinguished by breeches of the facing color it would be a courtesy to give the vivandiere a skirt of the facing color rather than a ‘rank and file fashion’ straw one?
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