Dom Eutanasi Aymerich of the Principality of Andorronia has approved Colonel Dom Geordi Tallaferro to lead the First Battalion of the Royal Almughavars Mountain Fusiliers in service with the Beerstein Foreign Legion. The nickname of these fierce warriors is "Los Morents". All of Beerstein awaits their arrival!
1 day ago
A potentially colorful and -within European limits- 'exotic' unit, but are good Spanish Mountain Fusiliers minis available? After the sudden desmise of the London War Room one still has the *old* Spenser Smith AS31 Miquelete/Montagnard who doesn't look very inspirational; the Eureka 100 don't seem to be in production yet?
It seems not. Neither are in production their 15mm counterparts: WSS Austro-Catalan Mountain fusiliers (=Miquelets), 300CLUBHM13 ( nor the later SYW Spanish Light infantry, 300CLUBHM12 (
I'd also mention that a proposal was submitted to Wargames Factory in a similar way, for them to include in their wish list some sprues of 28mm plastic WSS Austro-Catalan Mountain fusiliers. By now, the proposal was formally accepted by them, but nothing else yet.
Although I don't have figures for the Catalan Mountain fusiliers, I do have plenty of Old Glory WSS figures that are probably close enough at this scale. I'll try to post some pictures soon and get your opinion...
If interested in miniature vivandieres or, more generally, Lace Wars ladies in semi-military dress (daughter of the regiment / regimental god-mother / inhaber's wife / honorary colonel Prinzessin…) feel free to look at my O5.07. "09 comment: corrections and additions welcome!
To make a long story short, Tradition 30mm ‘Willie’ appears as the best source of suitable figures, both designed as such or propitious to conversion -including one for the Almughavars Mountain Fusiliers!
Then, Tradgarmastare was intrigued by the topic and may have gathered complementary information?
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