Louys of Monte-Cristo just discovered the outstanding dioramen war scenes of a German artist.
Being in the nature of a genial location for imaginary nations of the Eighteenth Century to carry out diplomatic affairs . . . (not the place for rule discussions, miniature manufacturers, painting reports, history of your country or other things that belong on your personal blogs).
Now that is a remarkable diorama. It's like a three-dimensional painting.
And I looked through the Battle of Leuthen diorama. It appears that he used plastic 1:72 figures, some with some heavy conversions, like the Airfix American Revolution British infantryman who is running with the musket up under his chin converted into a Prussian fusilier. This guy is good!
Thanks for the site, it is delightful...
Lovely work. Did you notice in the Leuthen series that the artist depicted Prussian infantry in square (karre) against a cavalry attack? Interesting.
I've seen this site before (in fact I have it listed in my "favourites"). There are some fantastic figures in those diaramas, and the terrain is just brilliant.
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