Pax Vobiscum to you and yours this Eastertide from Alan and Family
3 hours ago
Being in the nature of a genial location for imaginary nations of the Eighteenth Century to carry out diplomatic affairs . . . (not the place for rule discussions, miniature manufacturers, painting reports, history of your country or other things that belong on your personal blogs).
A Happy Easter to one and all.
Blessings of Easter to ALL,
Sincere regards,
Happy easter and may peace be spread throughout the lands.
Happy Easter from all of Beerstein!
In Monte-Cristo Easter Monday is known as Lundi des Œufs, ‘Eggs Monday’: children search bushes and hedges for decorated eggs –to be exchanged for candy and chocolate ones. These eggs were dropped by the French flying bells on the homeward trip of their short annual migration southward. Since they lay eggs during the return journey, the migration is clearly associated with their reproduction (as is generally the case): Monte-Cristan children enjoy to compete in embellishing the description of the flying bells’ mating parades in the sky of the city called Rome –not to speak of what happens later in the innumerable church towers there.
Obviously, only *very* young children believe the story to be true, but all Monte-Cristans cherish it in fond rememberance of their own childhood.
Happy Catholic and Protestant Easter. May you all had a peaceful and fulfilling Easter.
Mine is not yet here heretics and schismatics (just joking on the last part) :)
Happy Easter!
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