11 hours ago
Being in the nature of a genial location for imaginary nations of the Eighteenth Century to carry out diplomatic affairs . . . (not the place for rule discussions, miniature manufacturers, painting reports, history of your country or other things that belong on your personal blogs).
Neat map with a seasonal touch. Nice work!
Best Regards,
Yes, splendid work. :-)
Absolutely splendid! I would love one like this. My congratulations to the artist!
best wishes
I absolutely LOVE this map . . . it could just as easily be a map of Saxe-Bearstein as it is of Beerstein.
Very, very nice!
-- Jeff
I am so envious - I want one of those!!!!!!
It is absolutely beautiful.
I'll tell you what, guys, it takes a fair bit of work (hand-drawing, scanning, computer work, etc.), but I'm willing to give it a go if you want a map. I'll need some kind of sketch (can be very rough, but the rougher it is the more I'll feel free to do it my way!) and a list of place names you want included. The more complex it is the more time it'll take and the more likely I might decide to skip it! But if it's fun and interesting I might take up the challenge. First come first served and supplies are limited (in other words I'll try to do some maps, but I won't promise anything). Sorry to sound lukewarm or wishy-washy, but this will be for fun so I'll only do it as long as it remains fun.
Anyway, if you're still interested e-mail me and we'll see how it goes (after Friday I may not have ready access to e-mail or computers for about 2.5 weeks).
Thanks for the comments! :-)
No takers now that I'm back from the holidays?
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