Being in the nature of a genial location for imaginary nations of the Eighteenth Century to carry out diplomatic affairs . . . (not the place for rule discussions, miniature manufacturers, painting reports, history of your country or other things that belong on your personal blogs).
The Principality of Saxe-Bearstein will gladly recieve an envoy from "Down Under".
We would warn you, however, to avoid the Kingdom of Stagonia. Notoriously vile and deceitful, their king just "committed suicide" . . . mind you his eyes were gouged out, there were burn marks all over his body, he had been poisoned and his hands were tied behind him . . . and the claim is that while in this condition he used three blows with an axe to cut his head off.
Their new monarch is reputed to enjoy torture . . . hmmmm, do you wonder what he was doing while the former king "committed suicide"?
-- Jeff of Saxe-Bearstein
for Furst Bruno von Ursa
The warmest of welcomes to our brothers from the other side of the world!
Whole Monte-Cristo is looking forward with trepidation for knowing at last if the inhabitants of the Terres Australes are really as strange as sometimes reported .
Our ladies and the Palace live in the hope that Princess Amanda Of New Wales will honour them with a visit.
Cavenderia would welcome the envoy as well.
After seeing the portrait of Princess Amanda Of New Wales, I suspect one of Grand Duke Leopold of Istrya-Galicia's close relatives has got his eye on her.
Herzog Ignaz von Pfalz-Kognat-Obersayn extends most sincere welcome to her Highness, and fraternal greetings to his antipodean cousins she represents.
The Ducal Tutor is fascinated by the reports of the exotic flora and fauna of her Highness' homeland and hopes that a scientific and cultural exchange may be arranged to permit Obersaynische natural philosophers to bring specimens back to the Ducal Menagerie, to which the Duke himself would be honoured to give her Highness a tour.
Dear Herzog Ignaz von Pfalz-Kognat-Obersayn
Kindly inform your Ducal Tutor that Her Royal Highness, Princess Amanda Of the Holy Mormoan Kingdom Of New Wales is pleased to hear of the growing interest in her father's Kingdom. She is more than willing to discuss all of it's newly discovered fauna and flora with the Ducal Tutor.
The specimens she brings with her presently are for presentation purposes only, however she will be only to happy to arrange, through her various attending assistants and staff, any "permanent" displays for the Ducal Menagerie.
Word of the Duke's extensive collection is well known to Her Highness.
Kind Regards
Lord Sven Irwin
Marquis Du Broadford
Emissary Assistant to HRH Princess Amanda
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