to his eminence the Cardinal de Richelieu, Ministre d'Etat to His Catholic Majesty Louis:
In view of the happy news lately communicated to the courts of Christendom of the intent of the Pfalzgraf von Waldreck to wed, preparations are now afoot for his durchlaucht eminence to journey with his bride on a Grand Tour of the Mediterranean whilst renovations are made to the Schloß Bruttig in preparation for the arrival of the new Pfalzgrafin.
I am therefore instructed to request from the Gallian royal court an officer of His Catholic Majesty's army to serve as liaison with the Pfalzgraf's own guard to consult on matters pertaining to the security of the happy couple on their sojourn through Gallia in the course of this nuptial journey.
Further, I would personally request that such an officer be one with some familiarity particularly with the southern provinces of Gallia, preferably of the cavalry. A young officer of particular distinction in these areas has been recommended to our ministers, the young Comte de Mazan; I would be personally obliged if he could be detailed for this purpose.
With all good wishes for the furtherance of amity and cooperation between our courts, I remain your humble and obedient servant,
Baron Maximilian-Joseph de Montglace
Narrator: Footfalls reverberated off the stone floor echoing down the long upper hallway of the Gallian Foreign Ministry. The familiar sound ceased before the door of the Foreign Minister. Bernard, Secretary to the Prince de Charade knocked, opened the door and entered. He presented a silver salver upon which was a letter from Baron Maximilian-Joseph de Montglace, Chancellor to his durchlaucht eminence, the Pfalzgraf von Waldreck.
Bernard: "A letter Your Excellency."
Charade: "The gist of it, if you please Bernard."
Bernard: "Der Pfalzgraf von Waldreck is to wed and afterwards desires to journey with his bride on a Grand Tour of the Mediterranean including southern Gallia. Specifically our young Comte de Mazan is desired to accompany the wedding party as I imagine, a tour guide, a man very familiar with practices of the region and one who will allow easy passage thereabouts."
Charade: "If l'Comte de Mazan is free from other duties and he agrees, draft a reply in agreement conditional on the dates in question. Mention this to l'Duc de Broglie, whom I believe is now in residence here, since the journey will perhaps come near his estate."
Bernard: "Oui Your Excellency. I will seek both Gentlemen this day."
Follow-Up Letter:
Your Excellency Baron Maximilian-Joseph de Montglace, Chancellor to his durchlaucht eminence, the Pfalzgraf von Waldreck,
The King has the honor to assent to your request for l'Comte de Mazan to accompany Der Pfalzgraf von Waldreck and bride on their journey within southern Gallia. l'Comte Mazan has also notified me he is available pending dates in question. He is naturally inclined to be of service should your dates and his circumstances and duties be in accord as I remain,
Votre et Obeissant Serviteur,
Prince de Charade
Gallian Foreign Ministry
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