Just taking this chance ( amidst coughs and colds... ) to wish all of you and your nearest and dearest a Happy Hogmany! May it be a great one for you all- be it 2009 or 1759!
Best Wishes
Being in the nature of a genial location for imaginary nations of the Eighteenth Century to carry out diplomatic affairs . . . (not the place for rule discussions, miniature manufacturers, painting reports, history of your country or other things that belong on your personal blogs).
Just taking this chance ( amidst coughs and colds... ) to wish all of you and your nearest and dearest a Happy Hogmany! May it be a great one for you all- be it 2009 or 1759!
Best Wishes
Duke Peter gazes at his favourite painting - one of the myriad depicting Karl xii to be found around the Palace . The Duke of Saschen-Vindow idolises the Swedish monarch. They ,he feels, have so much in common- both fought a bear at an early age, both devout men of God, both men of exceptional courage and more...
Duke Peter waits for the day when he can lead his army to great things....
He worries about the ugly rumours regarding the Duchess -his estranged wife. The whispering and roumors concerning the recent attempts upon his own life. Duke Peter has heard too of a new occupant upon the Stagonian throne. The Duchy is full stories concerning the coming and goings ( in letter form ) betwixt the Duchess of Saschen -Vindow and the new Stagonian King Ludwig the Vile...
Desperately Duke Peter tries to distract his trouble mind by laying out, upon the study floor, his beautiful miniature soldiers fabricated in silver and gold by the court jeweller . Ten minutes later and the row of upon row of little men help Duke Peter to become absorbed happily once more...
From Baron Maximilian-Joseph de Montglace, Chancellor to his durchlaucht eminence, the Pfalzgraf von Waldreck,
to his eminence Louis-Ferdinand Celine de Saint-Gobain, Counsellor to the Relations with Resident Foreigners:
In view of the phenomenal reception accorded the President-elected Prince of Monte-Cristo's exposition of his laudable patronage of the Oriental Arts, the Pfalzgraf von Waldreck is pleased to offer his excellency an addition to his most admirable collection of rare illuminations from the fabled collection of Ulrich Fugger, recently brought to light in the course of cateloguing the estates of the Herrenschaft von Dolmen recently returned to the rightful possession of his durchlaucht eminence.
In addition to the fabulous collection Herr Fugger donated to the Bibliotheka Palatina, he also maintained a private reserve collection of volumes of especial significance. Among this occult collection was found to be a first edition of Arentino and Raimondi's I Modi, in pristine condition. The Pfalzgraf, certain that his excellency of Monte Cristo would best appreciate and contextualise this find, would like to offer the volume in gift to his excellency, in token of the esteem in which he holds his excellency, and also in appreciation of the amity and profit of the relationship which has grown between their two peoples.
His durchlaucht eminence would be pleased very much to present the volume to his excellency in the course of his imminent Grand Tour of the Cote d'Azur with his new bride to be undertaken as soon as possible after the octave of Twelfth Night. His durchlaucht eminence also eagerly anticipates the opening of the Carnevale Season in Monte Cristo about that time, and invites the counsel of his excellency as to the rites and ceremonies of that festive occasion best suited to introduce his new bride to the particular satisfactions of the Monte Cristan observances.
Veuillez agréer, mon tres puissant monsieur, l'assurance de mes sentiments le plus distingués,
Votre serviteur,
Maximilian-Joseph, Baron de Montglace
With this charming 19th Century picture may I take this chance to wish you all a happy Feast of St Nicholas for the 6th December. Remember to check your shoes prior to putting them on...
from all at the Duchy of Tradgardland
p.s Is there a winter wargame taking place involving Gallia and Hesse Seewald tomorrow or does my memory not serve me well?
At the Ducal Court Duke Karl Frederick is consumed with grief and guilt. He cannot come to terms with what happened to his plan pertaining to espionage work in the neighbouring Duchy of Saschen-Vindow. A young , almost innocent, well young man , has died and the Duke sees himself as responsible ...
Karl Frederick had resorted to this in the face of concern about moves afoot across the Border . Now he broods about what the future holds for this poor unfortunate's family not to mention the whole of Tradgardland. As the Antiphons ring clear in the Ducal Chapel next door Karl Frederick must plan his next move...