The Young Pretender, Charles Edward Stuart, has landed in Scotland and has raised his royal standard at Glenfinnan in order to rally the Highland clans to his cause. You may recall that the Pretender advanced to Edinburgh and captured the town without firing a shot.
There are rumors that a small contingent of Gallian and Hibernian allies have landed a small force of infantry (the Hibernian Piquets and the Royal Ecossais Regiment), a squadron of cavalry (Fitzjames Horse) and two Swedish 4-pound cannon and artillery crew in Scotland to assist the Young Pretender.
Now comes the news that His Britannic Majesty George II has authorized General John Cope to embark on a mission to bring the Young Pretender to battle. The two armies are expected to engage in battle within the next three weeks, around May the 3rd.
General Cope is expected to offer battle to the Young Pretender under the formal articles of war better known as Batailles de l'Ancien Regime (or BAR). The Pretender's army is expected to comprise nearly 2,400 infantry and 240 cavalry (240 figures of infantry and 24 of cavalry) plus the afore-mentioned artillery. A similar force of Government soldiers will defend the lands and honor of King George II.
God Save the King!
We are holding our breath... The Balance of Powers may tilt.
Hurrah ,Hurrah! I really look forward to this storyline developing and cannot wait for the next instalment.
best wishes
Ye can take our lives,
Ye can take our lands,
but ye canna take our trousers!
(Battle cry of the wee free folk)
If not His Highness Himself, some Men of Rank in His entourage appreciate the company of young ladies: thus Monte-Cristo has eyes and ears on the spot.
Hopefully no one in the Prince's army is famished enough to shot down (carrier) pigeons - a good thing falconry passed out of fashion.
Ah, beware of treachery. Remember that the Vile Stagonians have some highlanders in their service . . . it would be unfortunate if some of them appeared on a flank.
-- Jeff of Saxe-Bearstein
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