The following summarizes affairs in Scotland germane to The Rising described on EvsE.
Kind Regards,
November 25, 1757
Gallian Diplomat l'Chevalier du Nord arrives in Scotland and is housed at Dunkettle Castle. Scots Royalists demand to know if Gallia will support them. They boast of 600Highland Clansmen encamped on the grounds. Du Nord silently thinks this is insufficient but is a good start.
November 30, 1757
The Chevalier du Nord answers, yes, Gallia will support a restoration. To prove it, he presents l'Comte de Albany to them just arrived offshore. Albany is the incognito name for Charles Edward Stuart. Battalion Royal Ecossais is rowed ashore to boost numbers of combatants.
January 17, 1758
In his first military venture Charles Edward Stuart's forces storm Edinburgh and captures it with minimal loss. Lowlanders numbering 4,000 men flock to his Standard in the coming weeks. (Per a die throw made by Jeff.)
January 20, 1758
The Tradgardlander von Bergmann arrives as a friend of the Restoration and to pledge the support of Duke Karl Frederick of Tradgardland.
March 20, 1758
Gallian Admiral Suthren orders reinforcements ashore at Tantallon Castle. This is battalion Albany minus its piquet and grenadier companies. The battalion marches on the coast road along the south shore of The Firth of Forth arriving a day or two later in Edinburgh.
April 1, 1758
Battalion Albany's piquet and grenadier companies arrive offshore of Tantallon Castle and are rowed ashore. These men arrive in Edinburgh a day ot two later.
Gallian warships, etc. have been at sea, wherabouts unknown. They were not involved in the affair off Le Havre.
April 15, 1758
Available for the Prince to garrison Edinburgh, other important points and to also form a Field Army are:
600 Highland Clansmen (numbers fluctuating)
4,000 Lowlanders (numbers fluctuating)
600 from battalion Royal Eccossais
600 from battalion Albany
Several light cannons
A small body of horsemen
April 24, 1758
An English Army was observed in Durham and Northumberland Counties to the south of the English-Scottish border. It is upon its march to engage the Scotish Royalist Army.
May 3, 1758
A miniatures battle is planned for this date.
Der Alte is hosting, is busy painting Highlanders and is going to figure out the scenario, actual units and numbers per side which will differ from the above.
13 hours ago
Once again thank you for your clear chronology - it puts it all so clearly in perspective for old and new hands alike!
at your service
And we'll all gae together
To spill blue English blood
All around the scratch built heather.
Will ye gae, Laddie, gae?
Thank you Alan,
Oh and v. Bergmann arrived!
Kind Regards,
glad to hear that von Bergmann has arrived safely- time to get over jetlag prior to taking his place in history!
I really enjoyed the moving Scttish folk song about scratch built heather - are there anymore verses out there?
Ay the true King is rising
And the malt in the rye is swimming,
It's the German Kings we're bruising
And true Scottish lassies we're Kissing.
(I know, it doesn't scan, but I can't really see what I'm typing!)
Could someone please remove the comment from the 6th poster - gardagami . It is a spammer.
BTW, I'm looking foreward to meeting von Bergmann at Prestonpans this weekend. I will be playing the role of Prince Charles (and you all thought that I would play the British, didn't you?)
How are these spammers getting in? It is all too 21st Century for me!
By the way Jim you had me sussed - I was certain you would be British!
When I'm alerted, I will remove SPAM on EvE . . . as I have done with the offending post.
My email address is
-- Jeff
Alan: we all have a little bit of Jacobite in us from time to time. :)
I painted the Fraser standard and standard bearer this evening. So now we have Appin Stewart, Cameron of Lochiel, and the Frasers on the field for saturday, in addition to the Royal Ecossais and Albany.
While my family is Frasier and something else (possibly Stuart ... but I doubt it) ...
I've definitely been a little Scotch from time to time, about a fifth or a quart ...
ah well, my drinking days are long gone now, I fear ... definitely strictly medicinal, and a fifth would last me a year now.
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