For those of you who are watching the developments around Tipple Bruder, I've thought of a question which, frankly, should be of interest to the entire group.
As you can already see, there's actually quite a bit of fun research, consideration, designations, and debates surrounding any battle.
The "comments" after the current TippleBruder post show quite a bit of the sort of interaction that goes on among the many players involved ... in this case, at least four or five players are contributing troops to the battle which I hope to resolve.
Now, with the Offenbach situation, we posted an awful lot as the diplomatic exchanges were a lot of fun, but the same kind of detail background wasn't posted (too much like battle reports etc.)
I begin to see this as a nice example with which to demonstrate how such proxy battles can be done. In consequence, I'm suggestion that we continue to violate the blog rules and continue to carry on the minutia of the game set up in the comments rather than resort to all the emailing for the Offenbach battle.
Furthermore, there is actually a very fertile source for diplomatic exchange and faux pas in this scenario.
As has been noted, the Tipel-Bruder defense is composed of a number of differing units from widely separated points (btw: all the late arriving forces will arrive ... game dynamics kind of require it ... but like those "reinforcement" troops in the old Avalon Hill games). Now it's obvious that the alliance will have to hold "councils of war" and designate a C - in - C. Whom will they select? How will the other generals respond? Thus I can set up some as "unreliable" and others as quite co-operative ... and there exist several real nice mechanisms to handle this.
Ah yes, the most important point ... who is on the right flank???
Now let the skull duggery begin (while I go count figures, if it weren't for the cavalry and guns, my new plastics could handle what we've got so far ... but Edie likes those nice 24 man battalions on that green cloth ...
btw, most of the trees in my games are scratch builts ... if you've looked at them on my site, how did you like them?
PS: notice another advantage of proxy battles. If your own collection isn't big enough to fight the battle, no problems, you'll still be able to generate officer and unit stats for your imagi-nation and let the volunteer gamer use as appropriate as plausible figures for the fight!
PPS: Just a thought, you all might post pictures on your own blogs or here what each unit is "supposed to look like" as so many of us like quite unique and individual uniform designs!
having fun ....
15 minutes ago
Looks *so* promising!
Frankfurter (as you are known here), I wish to strongly support several of your postions:
- "I'm suggestion that we continue to violate the blog rules and continue to carry on the minutia of the game set up in the comments": OK, but perhaps you are gooing a step too far in the way you posted this message? To keep the blog 'in character', what about merely posting something like "The Ruler of Frankzonia has publicly outed his thoughts about the situation at TipplelBruder" and start the discussion by posting 'the main text' as the 1st comment to the post? When you click on the title of the post, it appears as a new page with all comments, so it's as easy to read as wjen the 'commented text' is in the post...
Jeff, comments & suggestions, please!
-"I begin to see this as a nice example with which to demonstrate how such proxy battles" : yes, even more complicated than Offenbach, and involving more members of the EvE group - to the point of being almost extreme. But a thrilling prospect!
Next time 'we' could add map movement of the various contingents across 'our' Europe, allowing rulers of trespassed territories to react (*if* they react quickly enough at blog level, in order to avoid the whole campaign paralyzed by the absence of one of us totally grasped by Real Life ™ at that momebt)??
- "PS: notice another advantage of proxy battles. If your own collection isn't big enough to fight the battle, no problems...":
indeed. Theoretically, if we clearly separate °the question of the photographic illustration of the battle report
°from all the rest (the pre-battle juggling for position, the diplomacy possibly incl. betrayal, spying & recce; then the battle itself; then the written battle report, with the exact names of characters and units)...
then the proxy can very well play the battle with Ancient minis, unpainted plastic cow-boys & Indians, cardboard markers, coins & buttons or as a boardgame...
-"You all might post pictures on your own blogs or here what each unit is "supposed to look like" as so many of us like quite unique and individual uniform designs!: YES
You clearly enjoy every instant of these preparative steps: I fully understand that, and thank you for sharing with *all* of us. The process is fascinating and your enthusiasm communicative!
P.S.: with the development of proxy battles, 'EvE' becomes even more addictive!
"that each unit is "supposed to look like":
A good opportunity to use David's templates... Some time ago he complained nobody had used yet his Highlanders, e.g.....
Cheers to all involved,
I certainly agree that the bulk of the "interplay" and preparation, if on "E vs E", should be in "Comments" as opposed to Main Posts . . . thus any who are not interested can skip over it.
In addition, it will help to have all participants able to see prior comments while forming their own.
At the same time, some things may well need to be sent to Arthur as "secret orders".
For example, due to other factors, let us suppose that country X doesn't care for country Y. X might email Arthur that they will not support Y's flank, but leave it open to Stagonian attack.
Or country Z might send secret orders that they are to withdraw after two volleys in order to preserve their troops.
To facilitate this, I will email all of the "active participants" with our respective email addresses . . . however I insist that no one post anyone else's email address publicly. It is okay to publish your own, but not anyone else's.
-- Jeff
So, what you're saying is that X is really a Stagonian stooge, and that Y is being set up for a vile and unexpected flank attack?
Purely vile.
Even the alphabet isn't safe from those vile Stagonians and their Gallian "allies."
Ed v. H-F
Surely you don't think that our noble Stagonian forces would do such a thing!
Why look at the battle our other army just fought. We protected the valiant defenders of Offenbach from the vile attack planned by Frankzonia.
Our envoy to the Offenbach command was merely to reassure them that we were not there to attack them, but to defend them from the back-stabbing Frankzonians who were about to attack them.
Furthermore, I'm sure that you would not accuse any one of the many (I believe there are seven) countries committed to defend the Tippelbruder Tailors of being so under-handed . . . after all, there are no Frankzonians there.
Or ARE you accusing one of your fellow imagi-Nations of being so duplicitous?
Which one don't you trust? Who do you not want on your flank?
Please tell us.
-- Stagonian Jeff
On behalf of His Excellency, Landgraf Bogey, we would have it known that Hesse-Fedora has in no way accused nor suspected its fellow ImagiNations of Urope of any of the vile activities or allegations of the representative of the Kingdom of Stagonia.
Peter von Lorre
Ambassador Extraordinaire of the Court of Hesse-Fedora
On behalf of His Excellency, Landgraf Bogey, we would have it known that Hesse-Fedora has in no way accused nor suspected its fellow ImagiNations of Urope of any of the vile activities or allegations of the representative of the Kingdom of Stagonia.
Peter von Lorre
Ambassador Extraordinaire of the Court of Hesse-Fedora
I see that you need to say things twice just to get yourself to believe them.
-- Koenig Maurice
"Even the alphabet isn't safe from those vile Stagonians and their Gallian "allies."
I would agree that the Gallians are rather vile and aggressive sorts. Europe would be a much more peaceful place without them.
Count Schadenfreud
Foreign Minister of Hesse Seewald
I've posted a run-down for Planning the Proxy Battle on my blog:
Take a look and see what you all think.
-- Stagonian Jeff
I think that 'over-use' of EvE for the planning can also cause complications.
I suggest that the 'units look' or pre-battle pictures should be posted to the individual members blog, then make a note in the main text of EvE that your blog has the new information along with a link and perhaps write it in the great storytelling format that has dominated here previously...
Further fun can be organized via mappe actions and I am working (slowly sorry Real Life ™ keeps getting in the way) on another edit of the Empires in Arms map and going to 'adjust it' to what is known of the imaginations here.
Frank wrote: "You all might post pictures on your own blogs <> what each unit is "supposed to look like" as so many of us like quite unique and individual uniform designs!".
I'd like to expand:
could all the Imagi-Nation Creators involved post on their blog drawings of their units potentially present at Tippelbruder? This, using David's templates, not only for the 'couleur locale' in that case, but for homogeneity sake?
According to Jeff, and the original count : 2-3 for Tippelbruder (the Freikorps of Count Hans Trunkenbold von Misthaufen is already done: some militia and home defense artillery to be added); 6 for Saxe-Bearstein; 3 for Hesse-Engelburg; 2 for Fenwick (Wittenberg); 1 for the Soweiter League; 2 for Mieczyslaw - and some 14 for Stagonia. This, perhaps with David's friendly help -it's the fate of *his* town that is in the balance?
Then, in due time, all these illustrations would be gathered in a collective 'plate' (very 'in character' for the mid-18th C.) posted as an annex to the battle report on the Frankzonian Gazette, here and at Tippelbruder. A collective illustration of a collective achievement, a new and further 'premiere' for EvE and a first -but important- step toward the "Funcken of 'Emperor vs Elector' mythical Lace Wars armies" ....
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