Du Nord :And now Monsiuer what can I do for you?
The Old Jacobite :I am here to represent my friends in Scotland-loyal Jacobites all , who wonder what you are doing for the Cause?Have you plans to invade the mainland ,are you sending troops to aid the Northerners who have landed?Why are you with them -are you the first of regiments to come?The Clans are waiting but they need support-say the word and I can have hundreds at your command . Come now Sir what say you.......
du Nord: "Ah the Young Pretender, Charles Edward Stuart. The '45',6,000 supporters, captured Edinbrgh, marched south into England some distance, retired back into Scotland, the defeat at Culloden and exile to Rome. Not long ago Monsieur. Not so very long ago. So the fire burns yet but with only hundreds?"
The old jacobite becomes visibily upset. He begin to rant and rave in Gaelic. From under the tartan rug upon his knees he produces a pistol. He cocks it and points in shakily at du Nord. He shouts in Gaelic and two highlanders of a more stout constitution enter. Du Nord is overpowered, but not too roughly, and is tied to a chair. The three men depart leaving him alone.....
du Nord:" [Perplexed but not confounded.] "C'est mal! Ruffians surely. I'll offer up intercessory prayer for their conversion, if it pleases the good God in Heaven. A rosary...."
"Hail Mary full of grace, the Lord is with Thee....etc., etc., etc."
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