After a furious and unexpected encounter the Tradgardland Ships Flundra and Blackfisk were sunk by the Brittanian Navy. Overwhelmed by odds of two to one they bravely fought until the Flundra magazine exploded. The crew of the Blackfisk struck their colours and successfully attempted to scuttle their ship. Survivors were taken prisoner upon the Brittanian ships and were taken to the port of Leith.
The Britannian Admiralty regrets the loss of life and vessels that the ill-fated Tradgardland expedition experienced. The entire premise of the journey was ill-advised and we suspect that perfidious Gallia had something to do with convincing the Tradgardlanders to attempt such a scheme. As such, His Britannic Majesty, George II, holds no ill will against the nation of Tradgardland, as long as they agree to desist in any further attempts to invade Britannian territory. All attempts will be made to return the survivors to their homeland as soon as practicable.
I fear the Admiralty have forgotten that this was a decoy and that the main fleet is further North. I wonder if the prisoners will speak of that which they know....
The ruse appears to have worked. For now. Best not to tweak the nose of the sleeping British Lion.
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